This is our final CS project for class CS 340: Databases.
Overview: Game Vault will be a website that will manage a large library of over 5,000+ video games with the added functionality of allowing customers to buy and place reviews. As a result, we require a robust database-driven website for storing, retrieving, and updating relevant game information. Our database should be able to store information about the video games, our customers, their reviews, and any sales and the orders within those sales. Video games can have several different details, including release dates, genres, platforms, and user ratings. Customers also have attributes that need to be stored, such as their email, password, name, etc. The customer reviews can be placed on the video games they buy, and their sales and orders must also be tracked. Since this website will potentially have up to 1,000+ users daily, with each user possibly creating a review or buying a video game, the system must be optimized to handle around 100 queries simultaneously.
The citations are all used in the server.js file. Citation for the get/post functions are:
- Date 12/8/2024
- Adapted from Explorations
- github
Citation for body-parser and bcrypt are:
- date 12/8/2024
- imported external library
- bcrypt:
- bodyparser: