JE-EU1 - PT2399 based reverb - distortion units Eurorack form factor
Stage | Detail | Status |
create material | sch/pcb | produced Rev A |
gerber | Produced | |
production | ordered | YES |
produced | YES | |
delivered | YES |
Test | Detail | Status |
Initial Inspection | OK | |
Initial Technical Test | PT2399 | OK - See Errata |
Initial Technical Test | Counter | OK |
Initial Technical Test | Bitcrunch | |
Initial Product Test | PT2399 | OK |
Initial Product Test | Counter | OK |
Initial Product Test | Bitcrunch | OK - LFO w Distortion |
Initial Power Consumption | PT2399 | 40-60mA ! +12v depending on VCO circuit |
Initial Power Consumption | Counter | 20mA +12v |
Initial Power Consumption | Bitcrunch | +12v +5v -12v |
Initial Power Consumption | LFO | +12v +5v -12v |
Test | Detail | Status |
Product Test | PT2399 | ok after mod |
Product Test | Counter | OK |
Product Test | LFO Distortion | OK - dist too much |
Product Test | Bitcrush Distortion | |
Quality | LFO | good - distortion is questionable effect |
Quality | Bitcrush | |
Quality | Counter | Good - needs input prot |
Quality | PT2399 | ongoing |
Long Term Product Test | PT2399 | Modded version installed in rack |
Long Term Product Test | Counter | installed in rack |
Long Term Product Test | Bitcrush | |
Long Term Product Test | LFO | installed in rack |
Test | Detail | Status |
Initial SW | copy from MK1 and adjusted | OK! |
Bitcrush | UI | |
Bitcrush | Crush function | |
LFO Control | UI | Individual speed and waveform impl |
LFO Control | Function | Individual LFO implemented |
LFO Control | Input | 3x Trigger done |
- 78L05 inv pinout
- MMBT2222 wrong pinout - workaround flip and turn
- Delay time pot reversed
- PT2399 occational latchup with modification
- SW101 and S105W are wired wrong to enable Dist on/off
- SW 101 and SW105 should change footprint (too small for MT202)
- D110 and D111 is 0805 and cannot be fitted with SOD123
- Replace 20k across Q203 w Yellow LED
- Replace 120k R214 with 47k
- Move C222 across RV202 - move D2015 across R214 and remove Q202+R213
- Consider Vactrol of RV202 and RV201
- Consider +5V supply...
- Replace 100uF C310 with 10-22uF (consider a switch for next rev)
- Reset/Clk in Trigger not 5V tolerant
- Add I/O protection
LFO only values:
- 11k = 10k
- 22k = 10k
- 33k = 10k
- 44k = 10k
- 11n = 100n
- 22n = 100n
- 33n = 100n
- 44n = 100n
- D118 - D117 remove
- Optional D111 - D110 Dist/Bitcrush values has been added to the sch
- Move LED D114 closer to Out9
The idea is to have 3 different units. Practically it may be required to fit the bitcrusher and the distortion in one unit.
- 16pin Europower connector
- 10pin Europower connector
- BC547 or BC337 NPN and Zener 7v5 regulator followed by 78L05 regulator
- PT2399 echo circuit with anti lockup circuit for pin 6
- 10pin Europower connector
- Build around a CD4017 counter chip (SOP-14)
- Arduino Nano
- PT2399
- CD4017
- NE555
- Mini Jacks (PJ-321)
- ALPS RV09 potentiometer
- TL072 or similar dual op amp
- Diode clipping (silicium signal diodes, LED, power, shottkey, germanium
- (Counter clock)
- (PT2399 Reverb)
- (Filter calc for MFB filter)
- (Filter calc for Sallen Key filter (Out9 and Out10))