Releases: project-rig/pynn_spinnaker
Releases · project-rig/pynn_spinnaker
New features
- On chip building of synaptic matrices - If
is used as rng for distributions and probabalistic connectors they will be calculated on SpiNNaker rather than the host machine, saving huge amounts of load time - Support for multiplicative STDP weight dependence
- Code likely to prove common to other C++ based SpiNNaker projects moved out into rig_cpp_common project
- Better performance estimation - Performance models of neurons and synapses are more accurate and these are used to build more accurate models of memory and CPU requirements of models.
- Better partitioning driven by improved performance models - No need to provide partitioning hints
- Automatic (very simple) number of boards calculation for spalloc
Bug fixes related to reading back synaptic matrices with delay extension
- Massively reduced memory footprint by (ab)using PyNN MPI support to only build a submatrix at a time
- Removed restriction that synapse processors must be 'wider' than neuron processors
- Starting adding automated tests - heuristics for PyNN connectors, lazy param mapping system and some utils now with tests
- Some new lazy param map primitives for probabilistic models
Fixed typo in
Bug fixes relating to 'fast' Poisson spike sources (above 200Hz)
Updated requirements:
- To version of spalloc that fixes bug which causes pynn_spinnaker to hang on exit if an exception was thrown
- To released version of Rig that fixes issues with fixed-point conversion
Now was extra spalloc, just replace the spinnaker_hostname
setup argument with:
import pynn_spinnaker as sim
sim.setup(timestep=1.0, spalloc_num_board=1)
- Plugin system - Allows external modules to be used to supply extra neuron models etc
- Improved accuracy of exponential synapse decay
- Support for synapse models with signed weights
- Flushing mechanism - Prevents back-propagating spikes being lost in plastic networks
- Analogue recording supports sampling intervals - Saves lots of memory/time!
- ExtendedPlasticSynapticMatrix region lets you build learning rules with extra synaptic state
- Framework for intrinsic plasticity
- Lots of bug fixes
First release
- Support for IF_curr_exp and IF_cond_exp neuron models
- Support for StaticSynapse and STDPMechanism synapse models
- Support for SpikePairRule and Vogels2011Rule STDP timing dependences
- Support for AdditiveWeightDependence STDP weight dependences