file-upload-engine Public
Application for uploading files to cloud services
Ruby GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2023 -
ScratchThat Public
ScratchThat is a platform where you can login and DJ music for your friends.
meteor-quick-start Public
A skeleton blaze app with additional basic stuff that isn't included in default meteor projects
meteor-gm Public
This is a docker container used for Meteor-up that supports image resizing (graphicsmagick).
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2022 -
TPL_AR-1 Public
Forked from tpl-eservices/TPL_ARTPL AR application that uses Vuforia image recognition software.
C# UpdatedNov 20, 2020 -
meteor-graphicsmagick Public
Forked from rootedsoftware/meteor-graphicsmagickMeteor + Graphicsmagick Docker
MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2017 -
Earth2 Public
Earth2 is an interactive global newspaper in which users can view news by clicking on various regions around the world.
StickyBookmarks Public
This app allows users to bookmark their favourite scenes from books by page number and chapter, thus creating an open database where other users can then view or add their own records.
radiohead Public
Forked from dataarts/radioheadRepository of code for Radiohead's "House of Cards" music video.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 29, 2015 -
PlatePal Public
This app is designed to make it easier for clients to communicate with their mentors when following a diet-plan or staying healthy in general.
Ruby UpdatedJun 8, 2014 -
Enterprise-SSB Public
Enterprise-SSB is an award-winning app that simulates what one might do if they were floating away in space (ala Gravity). Using wearable technology, the user can navigate in space using simple han…
JavaScript UpdatedApr 27, 2014