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JUnit Black Box I/O Testing

This library is mainly used for teaching purposes and provides a simple way to test Java code without prescribing interfaces (as per standard unit testing), but using black box based on standard I/O. The class is based on JUnit 5 to allow an easy integration with IDEs and CI/CD systems, but does not require any knowledge of JUnit to be used.

This is particularly useful for object orientation undergraduate classes where deciding the architecture of code is usually part of the exercise assigned: in such a situation unit testing (that relays on the presence of specific classes, and methods with a specific signature) gives too much information to the student (beside requiring some knowledge of non trivial tools like JUnit).

On the other hand, black box testing can be easily designed so that tests implementation amounts to completing some main methods that (possibly given some arguments on the command line and some input on the standard input) produce some prescribed output on the standard output. Such test are considered successful if the actual output is (in some sense) equal to the expected one.


An example project is provided to show the basic idea.

Suppose that the teacher assignment is: "provide the code needed to add integers and greet people", and that he decides to provide the following black box tests by asking to implement the main methods of the following hierarchy of classes:

├── first
│   ├──
│   └──
└── second

(of which he can provide an empty skeleton) such that, in:

  • AClass sum the integers passed as arguments on the command line,
  • AnotherClass sum the integers read from standard input,
  • HelloWorld greet the world (independently from any input),
  • AThirdClass sum the integers passed both as arguments on the command line and read from standard input.

To complete the specification of this task, the teacher provides some test cases in a directory tests that mimics the structure of the clients one:

├── first
│   ├── AClass
│   │   ├── args-1.txt
│   │   ├── args-2.txt
│   │   ├── expected-1.txt
│   │   └── expected-2.txt
│   └── AnotherClass
│       ├── expected-1.txt
│       ├── expected-2.txt
│       ├── input-1.txt
│       └── input-2.txt
├── HelloWorld
│   └── expected-1.txt
└── second
    └── AThirdClass
        ├── args-1.txt
        ├── args-2.txt
        ├── expected-1.txt
        ├── expected-2.txt
        ├── input-1.txt
        └── input-2.txt

The teacher finally provides the JubbiotTest class (in the src/test/java directory); for the purpose of showing how automatic test discovery works, the class has three different JUnit TestFactory methods

public class JubbiotTest {

  public List<? extends DynamicNode> testAClass() throws IOException {
    return new BlackBoxTestsGenerator("tests").generate("clients.first.AClass");

  public List<? extends DynamicNode> testFirstPackage() throws IOException {
    return new BlackBoxTestsGenerator("tests").generate("clients.first");

  public List<? extends DynamicNode> testAll() throws IOException {
    return new BlackBoxTestsGenerator("tests").generate();

The first will collect test cases for the clients.first.AClass class, the second for the classes in the clients.first package and its sub-packages, and the third for all the classes related to test cases under the tests directory. Test discovery is based on the presence of the file expected-1.txt (given that arguments and input files are optional and there must be at least a test case) in a directory mimicking the package/class structure.

At this point, the student can run can implement whatever code structure he likes, in the given example, he realizes a code package with two utility


The student is completely free to choose how and where to put the code that implements the required functionality. Once he has done that, it can fill-in the code of the main methods of the skeleton classes in src/main/java/clients directory and run the tests (by invoking gradle test as usual).

Using Visual Studio Code as an example IDE, code execution produces the following hierarchical output in the TESTING sidebar:

JUnit hierarchical results

and the following one in the TEST RESULTS output tab:

JUnit list results

Generating actual outputs

In case it is not easy for the student to grasp the reason of failed tests (not present in this example), he can define the GENERATE_ACTUAL_FILES environment variable to true and run the tests again.

This will produce an actual-N.txt file (in the same subdirectory of tests where the other test case files are stored) containing the actual output produced by the student implementation of the main method for the class under test.

By comparing the expected-N.txt and actual-N.txt files, the student should easily understand the reason of the failure.