-> npm install
-> npm run cli (client npm install)
-> npm run sei (server npm install)
-> npm run start
-> http://localhost:1234 (react App)
-> http://localhost:3000 (server)
Server is running on Express with Typescript in node.
-> GraphIQL Playground http://localhost:3000/graphql
-> PostGres setup https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads Install postgres, it will ask you to go through the installation process and will ask for a super user password. Make sure you remember that password as it will be useful.
Use the following command to open a commandline interface:
psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432
Execute the following queries to create database:
CREATE DATABASE outingevents
We will come back to editing the database, but first in .bash_profile, include the following:
PGUSER={your postgres user}
PGPASSWORD={super user password}
You can also define port and host, but those are 5432 and localhost by default.
NOTE: You can continue using the command line, or psequel for a GUI: http://www.psequel.com/ Psequel will ask for your username, password, database, port, host. Execute the following commands to create the relevant table(s):
$ psql -f sql/createtables.sql
It will create the tables if they exist. Test the apis by calling the following:
POST https://localhost:3000/event
GET https://localhost:3000/event
You should get back elements in the database.
To display the Survey Results Bar Charts, you need to install Chartkick:
yarn add react-chartkick chart.js