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Added tool to project lidar Pointclouds into spherical and image coor…
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MarioBijelic committed Jul 5, 2021
1 parent 7e37da2 commit c63c1f8
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213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions tools/ProjectionTools/Lidar2RGB/lib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
import numpy as np
import cv2
import scipy.spatial
from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor

def project_pointcloud(lidar, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, image_shape, init=None, draw_big_circle=False):
def py_func_project_3D_to_2D(points_3D, P):
# Project on image
points_2D = np.matmul(P, np.vstack((points_3D, np.ones([1, np.shape(points_3D)[1]]))))

# scale projected points
points_2D[0][:] = points_2D[0][:] / points_2D[2][:]
points_2D[1][:] = points_2D[1][:] / points_2D[2][:]

points_2D = points_2D[0:2]
return points_2D.transpose()

def py_func_create_lidar_img(lidar_points_2D, lidar_points, img_width=1248, img_height=375, init=None):
within_image_boarder_width = np.logical_and(img_width > lidar_points_2D[:, 0], lidar_points_2D[:, 0] >= 0)
within_image_boarder_height = np.logical_and(img_height > lidar_points_2D[:, 1], lidar_points_2D[:, 1] >= 0)

valid_points = np.logical_and(within_image_boarder_width, within_image_boarder_height)
coordinates = np.where(valid_points)[0]

values = lidar_points[:, coordinates]
if init is None:
image = -120.0 * np.ones((img_width, img_height, 3))
image = init.transpose((1, 0, 2))

img_coordinates = lidar_points_2D[coordinates, :].astype(dtype=np.int32)

if not draw_big_circle:
image[img_coordinates[:, 0], img_coordinates[:, 1], :] = values.transpose()
# Slow elementwise circle drawing through opencv
len = img_coordinates.shape[0]

image = image.transpose([1, 0, 2]).squeeze().copy()
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=80)
cmap = cm.jet
m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm, cmap)

depth_map_color = values.transpose()[:, 1]
depth_map_color = m.to_rgba(depth_map_color)

depth_map_color = (255 * depth_map_color).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
for idx in range(len):
x, y = img_coordinates[idx, :]
value = depth_map_color[idx]
# print value
tupel_value = (int(value[0]), int(value[1]), int(value[2]))
# print tupel_value, (x, y), 3, tupel_value, -1)

return image

return image.transpose([1, 0, 2]).squeeze()

def py_func_lidar_projection(lidar_points_3D, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, shape, init=None): # input):

img_width = shape[1]
img_height = shape[0]
# print img_height, img_width
lidar_points_3D = lidar_points_3D[:, 0:4]

# Filer away all points behind image plane
min_x = 2.5
valid = lidar_points_3D[:, 0] > min_x
# extend projection matrix to 5d to efficiently parse intensity
lidar_points_3D = lidar_points_3D[np.where(valid)]
lidar_points_3D2 = np.ones((lidar_points_3D.shape[0], lidar_points_3D.shape[1] + 1))
lidar_points_3D2[:, 0:3] = lidar_points_3D[:, 0:3]
lidar_points_3D2[:, 4] = lidar_points_3D[:, 3]
# Extend projection matric to pass trough intensities
velodyne_to_camera2 = np.zeros((5, 5))
velodyne_to_camera2[0:4, 0:4] = velodyne_to_camera
velodyne_to_camera2[4, 4] = 1

lidar_points_2D = py_func_project_3D_to_2D(lidar_points_3D.transpose()[:][0:3], vtc)

pts_3D = np.matmul(velodyne_to_camera2, lidar_points_3D2.transpose())
# detelete placeholder 1 axis
pts_3D = np.delete(pts_3D, 3, axis=0)

pts_3D_yzi = pts_3D[1:, :]

return py_func_create_lidar_img(lidar_points_2D, pts_3D_yzi, img_width=img_width,
img_height=img_height, init=init)

return py_func_lidar_projection(lidar, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, image_shape, init=init)

def find_missing_points(last, strongest):
last_set = set([tuple(x) for x in last])
strong_set = set([tuple(x) for x in strongest])
remaining_last = np.array([x for x in last_set - strong_set])
remaining_strong = np.array([x for x in strong_set - last_set])

return remaining_last, remaining_strong

def transform_coordinates(xyz):
Takes as input a Pointcloud with xyz coordinates and appends spherical coordinates as columns
:param xyz:
:return: Pointcloud with following columns, r, phi, theta, ring, intensity, x, y, z, intensity, ring

ptsnew = np.hstack((np.zeros_like(xyz), xyz))
r_phi = xyz[:, 0] ** 2 + xyz[:, 1] ** 2
ptsnew[:, 0] = np.sqrt(r_phi + xyz[:, 2] ** 2)
ptsnew[:, 2] = np.pi / 2 - np.arctan2(np.sqrt(r_phi), xyz[:, 2]) # for elevation angle defined from Z-axis down

ptsnew[:, 1] = np.arctan2(xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 0])
ptsnew[:, 3] = xyz[:, 4]
ptsnew[:, 4] = xyz[:, 3]

return ptsnew

def find_closest_neighbors(x, reference):
This function allows you to match strongest and last echos and reason about scattering distributions.
:param x: Pointcloud which should be matched
:param reference: Reference Pointcloud
:return: returns valid matching indexes
tree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(reference[:, 1:4])
distances, indexes = tree.query(x[:, 1:4], p=2)
print('indexes', indexes)
print('found matches', len(indexes), len(set(indexes)))
# return 0
valid = []
# not matching contains all not explainable scattered mismatching particles
not_matching = []
for idx, i in enumerate(indexes):

delta = reference[i, :] - x[idx, :]
# Laser Ring has to match
if delta[-1] == 0:

# Follows assumption that strongest echo has higher intensity than last and that the range is more distant
# for the last return. The sensor can report 2 strongest echo if strongest and last echo are matching.
# Here those points are not being matched.
if delta[-2] < 0 and delta[0] > 0:
valid.append((i, idx))
not_matching.append((i, idx))
not_matching.append((i, idx))

return valid

def filter(lidar_data, distance):
Takes lidar Pointcloud as ibnput and filters point below distance threshold
:param lidar_data: Input Pointcloud
:param distance: Minimum distance for filtering
:return: Filtered Pointcloud

r = np.sqrt(lidar_data[:, 0] ** 2 + lidar_data[:, 1] ** 2 + lidar_data[:, 2] ** 2)
true_idx = np.where(r > distance)

lidar_data = lidar_data[true_idx, :]

return lidar_data[0]

def read_split(split):
with open(split, 'r') as f:
entry_ids = f.readlines()

entry_ids = [i.replace('\n', '') for i in entry_ids]
return entry_ids

def filter_below_groundplane(pointcloud, tolerance=1):
valid_loc = (pointcloud[:, 2] < -1.4) & \
(pointcloud[:, 2] > -1.86) & \
(pointcloud[:, 0] > 0) & \
(pointcloud[:, 0] < 40) & \
(pointcloud[:, 1] > -15) & \
(pointcloud[:, 1] < 15)
pc_rect = pointcloud[valid_loc]
if pc_rect.shape[0] <= pc_rect.shape[1]:
w = [0, 0, 1]
h = -1.55
reg = RANSACRegressor().fit(pc_rect[:, [0, 1]], pc_rect[:, 2])
w = np.zeros(3)
w[0] = reg.estimator_.coef_[0]
w[1] = reg.estimator_.coef_[1]
w[2] = 1.0
h = reg.estimator_.intercept_
w = w / np.linalg.norm(w)

print(w, h)
height_over_ground = np.matmul(pointcloud[:, :3], np.asarray(w))
height_over_ground = height_over_ground.reshape((len(height_over_ground), 1))
above_ground = np.matmul(pointcloud[:, :3], np.asarray(w)) - h > -tolerance
return np.hstack((pointcloud[above_ground, :], height_over_ground[above_ground]))
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions tools/ProjectionTools/Lidar2RGB/lib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from tools.ProjectionTools.Lidar2RGB.lib.utils import project_pointcloud
from tools.ProjectionTools.Lidar2RGB.lib.utils import transform_coordinates
import numpy as np
from tools.CreateTFRecords.generic_tf_tools.resize import resize

def plot_spherical_scatter_plot(pointlcoud, pattern='hot', plot_show=True, title=None):
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=80)
cmap = None
if pattern == 'hot':
cmap =
elif pattern == 'cool':
cmap =
elif pattern == 'jet':
cmap = cm.jet
print('Wrong color map specified')
m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm, cmap)
transformed_pointcloud = transform_coordinates(pointlcoud)
depth_map_color = m.to_rgba(transformed_pointcloud[:, 0])

plt.scatter(transformed_pointcloud[:, 1],
transformed_pointcloud[:, 2], c=depth_map_color, s=1)

if title is not None:

if plot_show:

def plot_image_projection(pointcloud, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, frame='default', title=None):

# Resize image to other crop
r = resize(frame)

lidar_image = project_pointcloud(pointcloud, np.matmul(r.get_image_scaling(), vtc), velodyne_to_camera,
list(r.dsize)[::-1] + [3], init=np.zeros(list(r.dsize)[::-1] + [3]),

if title is not None:


def plot_3d_scatter(pointlcoud, plot_show=True):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")

ax.scatter3D(pointlcoud[:, 0], pointlcoud[:, 1], pointlcoud[:, 2], c='black', alpha=1, s=0.01)

if plot_show:
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions tools/ProjectionTools/Lidar2RGB/
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from import load_velodyne_scan
from import load_calib_data
from tools.ProjectionTools.Lidar2RGB.lib.utils import filter, \
find_closest_neighbors, find_missing_points, transform_coordinates
from tools.ProjectionTools.Lidar2RGB.lib.visi import plot_spherical_scatter_plot, plot_image_projection
# import cv2
import numpy as np

import os
import argparse

def parsArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Lidar 2d projection tool')
parser.add_argument('--root', '-r', help='Enter the root folder')
parser.add_argument('--lidar_type', '-t', help='Enter the root folder', default='lidar_hdl64',
choices=['lidar_hdl64', 'lidar_vlp32'])
args = parser.parse_args()

return args

interesting_samples = [

echos = [
['last', 'strongest'],

if __name__ == '__main__':

args = parsArgs()

velodyne_to_camera, camera_to_velodyne, P, R, vtc, radar_to_camera, zero_to_camera = load_calib_data(
args.root, name_camera_calib='calib_cam_stereo_left.json', tf_tree='calib_tf_tree_full.json',
velodyne_name='lidar_hdl64_s3_roof' if args.lidar_type == 'lidar_hdl64' else 'lidar_vlp32_roof')

for interesting_sample in interesting_samples:
velo_file_last = os.path.join(args.root, args.lidar_type + '_' + echos[0][0],
interesting_sample + '.bin')
velo_file_strongest = os.path.join(args.root, args.lidar_type + '_' + echos[0][1],
interesting_sample + '.bin')
lidar_data_last = load_velodyne_scan(velo_file_last)
lidar_data_strongest = load_velodyne_scan(velo_file_strongest)

print('last shape:', lidar_data_last.shape)
lidar_data_last = filter(lidar_data_last, 1.5)
print('strongest shape:', lidar_data_strongest.shape)
lidar_data_strongest = filter(lidar_data_strongest, 1.5)

remaining_last, remaining_strong = find_missing_points(lidar_data_last, lidar_data_strongest)
valid = find_closest_neighbors(transform_coordinates(remaining_strong), transform_coordinates(remaining_last))

plot_spherical_scatter_plot(lidar_data_last, pattern='hot', title='Spherical Plot Last Echo')
plot_spherical_scatter_plot(lidar_data_strongest, pattern='cool', title='Spherical Plot Strongest Echo')

print(len(remaining_strong), '/', len(lidar_data_strongest), len(remaining_last), '/', len(lidar_data_last))
print("intensity_mean", np.mean(lidar_data_strongest[:, 3]), np.mean(lidar_data_last[:, 3]))
print("intensity_mean", np.mean(remaining_strong[:, 3]), np.mean(remaining_last[:, 3]))

plot_spherical_scatter_plot(remaining_last, pattern='hot', plot_show=False)
plot_spherical_scatter_plot(remaining_strong, pattern='cool', title='Not matching echos')

plot_image_projection(lidar_data_last, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, title='Camera Projection Last Echo')
plot_image_projection(lidar_data_strongest, vtc, velodyne_to_camera, title='Camera Projection Strongest Echo')

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