A TypeScript chain tool puts each request in the callback function of the previous one.
// 1 Create a chained_asyn_requestor object, the parameter is a number to control how many asynchronous requests can be sent at the same time.
let chained_asyn_requestor_obj = new chained_asyn_requestor(4)
for (let i = 0; i <= 50; i++) {
// 2 Create a request object that needs to meet interface I_request.
let request: I_request
request = {
url: ""+String(i),
method: "post",
header_map: new Map<string, string>(),
body: "body:"+String(i),
if_request_successfull: (response: object | string) => { if (response != undefined && response != "") { return true } else { return false } }
// 3 Create model object with 2 parameters.
// parameter1:ui_modify_func : (response: object | string, if_request_successful: boolean) => void
// parameter2:request object : The request object is used to describe some meta-info of a http request like url, method, header, body,
// and a function if_request_successfull(response: object | string): boolean which is used to check response if is expected
let md = new model((res, if_request_successful) => { if(if_request_successful == true){console.log(res)}else{console.log(0-i,res)} }, request)
// 4 Use chained_asyn_requestor.queue_push(model) push model object into the queue of chained_asyn_requestor.
// console.log(chained_asyn_requestor_obj.get_queue_size())
// 5 start