Code: proj_Preyas.c Job Script File: jobscript Make File: Makefile
These files are in the Shellsort folder.
Execution Instructions: Place the following files into your home directory:
- jobscript
- Makefile
- parallelShellsort.c
To generate the object file Run Command: make
Execute the job using: qsub -q wsuq jobscript
Generated output files: output.txt (Used for debugging purposes only) jobscript.o* (stdout) jobscript.e* (stderr)
Output is stored in the jobscript.o** file. output is of format: Execution Time: xxx Line 1: output Array row 1 Line 2: output Array row 2 . . . Line 8: output Array row 8
To change the array size: -> Go to the parallelShellsort.c code file, -> Modify the constant definition: #define ARRAY_SIZE Set LOCAL_ARRAY_SIZE to be ARRAY_SIZE/PROC_NUM
To execute the other sorting algorithm, the corresponding changes needs to be done in the jobscript and makefile. Code files are Quicksort_serial.c and odd_even_sort.c
NOTE: Execution time is printed in seconds. I made some changes to print the execution time in milliseconds for the smaller arrays. However, I did not include these changes in the final code.