gem 'veritrans'
bundle install
rails g veritrans:install
rails g veritrans:payment_form
# config/veritrans.yml
client_key: # your api client key
server_key: # your api client key
See out example sinatra application in example folder or online
If you want to use VT-Web, add payment_type: "VTWEB"
@result = Veritrans.charge(
payment_type: "VTWEB",
transaction_details: {
order_id: "my-unique-order-id",
gross_amount: 100_000
redirect_to @result.redirect_url
It's little more complicated, because credit_card is sensitive data,
you need put credit card number in our safe storage first using veritrans.js
library, then send received token to with other payment details.
We don't want you to send credit card number to your server, especially for websites not using https.
File: "app/views/shared/_veritrans_include.erb"
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Veritrans.url = "<%= Veritrans.config.api_host %>/v2/token";
Veritrans.client_key = "<%= Veritrans.config.client_key %>";
Payment form: (same as if you use rails g veritrans:payment_form
<%= form_tag "/charge_vtdirect", id: "card_form" do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :token_id, nil, id: "card_token" %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :gross_amount, 30000 %>
<%= label_tag "card_number", "Card number" %>
<%= text_field_tag :card_number, "4811 1111 1111 1114", name: nil, style: "width: 150px" %>
<%= label_tag "card_cvc", "Security Code" %>
<%= text_field_tag :card_cvc, "123", name: nil, style: "width: 30px", placeholder: "cvc" %>
<%= label_tag "card_exp", "Expiration date" %>
<%= text_field_tag :card_exp, "12 / 16", name: nil, placeholder: "MM / YY" %>
<%= submit_tag "Make payment", id: "submit_btn" %>
<% end %>
<iframe id="3d-secure-iframe" style="display: none; width: 500px; height: 600px"></iframe>
For sinatra:
<form action="/charge_vtdirect" method="post" id="card_form">
<input type="hidden" name="token_id" id="card_token">
<input type="hidden" id="gross_amount" value="30000">
<label for="card_number">Card number</label>
<input type="text" id="card_number" style="width: 150px" value="4811 1111 1111 1114">
<label for="card_cvc">Security Code</label>
<input type="text" id="card_cvc" style="width: 30px" placeholder="cvc" value="123">
<label for="card_exp">Expiration date</label>
<input type="text" id="card_exp" placeholder="MM / YY" value="12 / 16">
<label for="card_secure">3D-secure</label>
<input id="card_secure" name="card_secure" type="checkbox" value="1" />
<input id="submit_btn" type="submit">
<iframe id="3d-secure-iframe" style="display: none; width: 500px; height: 600px"></iframe>
Sending "get-token" request:
$(document).ready(function () {
// function to prepare our credit card data before send
function createTokenData() {
return {
card_number: $('#card_number').val(),
card_cvv: $('#card_cvc').val(),
card_exp_month: $('#card_exp').val().match(/(\d+) \//)[1],
card_exp_year: '20' + $('#card_exp').val().match(/\/ (\d+)/)[1],
gross_amount: $('#gross_amount').val(),
secure: $('#card_secure')[0].checked
// Add custom event for form submition
$('#card_form').on('submit', function (event) {
var form = this;
Veritrans.token(createTokenData, function (data) {
console.log('Token data:', data);
// when you making 3D-secure transaction,
// this callback function will be called again after user confirm 3d-secure
// but you can also redirect on server side
if (data.redirect_url) {
// if we get url then it's 3d-secure transaction
// so we need to open that page
$('#3d-secure-iframe').attr('src', data.redirect_url).show();
// if no redirect_url and we have token_id then just make charge request
} else if (data.token_id) {
// if no redirect_url and no token_id, then it should be error
} else {
alert(data.validation_messages ? data.validation_messages.join("\n") : data.status_message);
On a server side:
@result = Veritrans.charge(
payment_type: "credit_card",
credit_card: { token_id: params[:token_id] },
transaction_details: {
order_id: @payment.order_id,
gross_amount: @payment.amount
if @result.success?
puts "Success"
We provide many payment channels to receive money, but API is almost same.
For VT-Web in only one request, and payment page will have all available payment options.
For VT-Direct you have to specify payment method (token required only for credit card transactions).
@result = Veritrans.charge(
payment_type: "bank_transfer",
bank_transfer: { bank: 'permata' },
transaction_details: {
order_id: @payment.order_id,
gross_amount: @payment.amount
puts "Please send money to account no. #{@result.permata_va_number} in bank Permata"
See our documentation for other available options.
For every transaction success and failed we will send you HTTP POST notification (aka webhook)
First you should set callback url in our dashboard
For testing in development phase please read our Testing webhooks tutorial and command line tool
For rails:
# config/routes.rb
match "/payments/receive_webhook" => "payments#receive_webhook", via: [:post]
# app/controllers/payments_controller.rb
def receive_webhook
post_body =
callback_params = Veritrans.decode_notification_json(post_body)
verified_data = Veritrans.status(callback_params['transaction_id'])
if verified_data.status_code != 404
puts "--- Transaction callback ---"
puts "Payment: #{[:order_id]}"
puts "Payment type: #{[:payment_type]}"
puts "Payment status: #{[:transaction_status]}"
puts "Fraud status: #{[:fraud_status]}" if[:fraud_status]
puts "Payment amount: #{[:gross_amount]}"
puts "--- Transaction callback ---"
render text: "ok"
render text: "ok", :status => :not_found
Other option to handle callbacks is our rack-based handler
# config/routes.rb
mount => '/vt_events'
# config/initalizers/veritrans.rb
Veritrans.setup do
config.server_key = "..."
config.client_key = "..."
events.subscribe('payment.success') do |payment|
# payment variable is hash with params recieved from Veritrans
# assuming you have model Order in your project
Order.find_by(order_id: payment.order_id).mark_paid!(payment.masked_card)
events.subscribe('payment.failed', 'payment.challenge') do |payment|
# payment variable is hash with params recieved from Veritrans
# assuming you have model Order in your project
Order.find_by(order_id: payment.order_id) ...
By default gem veritrans will show information via rails' logger. And in addition save important information to RAILS_APP/log/veritrans.log
It's configurable.
Veritrans.logger = Rails.logger
Veritrans.file_logger ="/my/important_logs/veritrans.log")
save information about:
- "charge", "cancel", "approve" api calls
- Validation errors for "charge", "cancel", "approve"
- Received http notifications
- Errors and exception while processing http notifications
$ gem install veritrans
Testing http notification:
$ veritrans testhook http://localhost:3000/vt_events
$ veritrans testhook -o my-order-1 -c ~/path/to/veritrans.yml http://localhost:3000/vt_events