This is a very handy functionality that lets us bookmark folders, and easily navigate to them in the future, rather than manually creating aliases for navigating into each folder.
cd /webapps/app1
bookmark app1
then next time you could directly do
go app1
rather than having to cd into the folder manually.
brew tap pratik60/bookmark
brew install bookmark
- Clone (or manually download) the project:
git clone https://github.com/pratik60/bookmark.git ~/bookmark`
- Add the following line to your
[[ -s ~/bookmark/bookmarker.sh ]] && . ~/bookmark/bookmarker.sh
- Bookmark a folder. If no arguments are passed, it will create a bookmark with that current folder's name.
cd /webapps/app2
bookmark [name]
The file where bookmarks are saved (.bookmarks) will look like this /webapps/app1 firstapp /webapps/app2 app2
- Unbookmark functionality has been added as well. Will unbookmark current folder if no name is specified.
unbookmark [name]
Error message on unbookmarking a folder that doesn't exist. If you were inside a specific folder which has been bookmarked, it would be removed from list of bookmarks.
- Show Bookmarks to see list of bookmarks
- Go - Command to navigate to a folder. Supports completion as well.
go app2
P.S. - Been using this functionality for a long time, can't remember its original author. Code's been heavily modified with a lot of functionalities added by me now. Credit to him/her as well :-)
To submit a feature request, you can use the github issue queue. To drop me a note or feedback, you can add it as a comment on -: http://preciselyme.com/tech/bookmark-folders