- This is a basic starter template for getting quick start on full featured web application written in Typescript and using Webpack.
- This template also include full Software Development Lifecycle support. Which means you can quickly develop, test and deploy your application to production
No Frontend Framework is used. The choice is yours.
Styling is Powered by Sass
API is powered by Express
Development features
- Webpack for module management. Docs
- Live reload.
- Unit Testing with Karma and Code coverage support.
- E2E Automated testing configured with Protractor. Yes It can be used with non-angular apps.
- Continuous Integration (CI) configured to be used with Travis CI;
- Code Coverage reporting configured to be used with Coveralls
Configured to release project to Github.
Configured to deploy your application directly to Heroku, from production branch
Open terminal and Change directory to your project directory
if the dependencies are not installed in the project run
npm install
Start your development server by running:
npm run develop
Open your app in your Favourite Browser
Since Live reload is enabled, any Code changes will be picked up and your app will be automatically refreshed.
Below are some place holders on how to write a README.md makdown document.
This is a well
First Item
Second Item
some thing
- I am a bullet point