This project is a C++ implementation of the paper "Meshing piecewise linear complex using CDT" by Hang Si et. al for generating Constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization for a given domain specified using set of points and constraint polygons.
Following sequence of commands work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS(64-bit):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Currently, it only builds the segment recovery module along with unit tests.
It atleast works with following versions of dependencies:
- CMake(>=2.8.12)
- CGAL(4.6)
- gtest(1.7.0)[optional, please see
switch in CMakeLists in root directory] - gcc-4.8
Main objective is to extend this implementation to support adaptive Constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization for 3D domain.
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0, 2>
produces segfault here butDart_of_orbit_range<1>
does not? -
Template definition of
and other such functions. -
Adding steiner point in PLC and current mesh using edge flipping and combination of edge flipping and face flipping(Refer Si's thesis).
Search for candidate reference point only in the vertices of tetrahedrons intersecting the missing segment in function
instead of all points of PLC. -
Replace loop in current definition of
with efficient alternative so that it can be used for larger domains as well. -
CGAL's Delaunay triangulation deals with cospherical points using symbolic perturbation. How to modify the corresponding PLC accordingly?
Input should allow for more file options than ply.
Why g++ -lgmp -lCGAL rply.cpp cdtCode.cpp does not link whereas, g++ rply.cpp cdtCode.cpp -lgmp -lCGAL does? Also there is issue in example usage of -l option given in 'man gcc' :(
Replace naive code for finding all possible pairs of segments.
How to remove hardcoded seeds for CGAL random number generator?
Add termination criteria using local feature size for each vertex.
Add functionality for Algorithm execution visualization.
Add function in CGAL fork for iterating vertices of a 2-cell using
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<0, 2>
in counterclockwise order. It is useful while writing polygons to data file for visualization. -
for bothLCC
. -
How local degeneracy removal alone can guarantee uniqueness of Delaunay triangulation? What if a set of 5 non-local points are cospherical?