SLI App is an android application that helps out deaf and dumb people to communicate with others using deep learning technics.
If you want to test out the app here is the apk of it: SLI APP (Hopefully soon we will be launching it on google play store!.)
And if you want to see just the demo of the app then there is the Youtube video for it. I would highly suggest to download the apk and try out.
Thank you for checking out the repo!. If you like the project then star the repo and lets us know that you appreciate our work!
Some background info about the project:
This is my final year capstone project under Visvesvaraya Technological University(VTU)
Subject name : Project Work Phase I and II
Subject code : 17CSP78 & 17CSP85
Teammates :
Technolgies used :
Technologies Version/Type Python Version 3.7.9 Minimum Android SDK/API level 19/KitKat Android Programming Language Java -
Modeling :
Question Answer Model Name VGG16 Technique Used Transfer Learning Dataset Custom Dataset Labels 40 No of images in each label 1000 Image Pre-Processing Keras Imagedatagenerator Accuracy 99% Quantization int8 and foat32 using tflite -
List of all the labels that our app can clasiify
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Airplane Bathroom Bye Hello Help Hurt I Love You More No Play Something Sorry Thank You Yes -
The Giphy APi can retrive sign gifs from Robert(signwithrobert) profile and please check out his profile on giphy website if you want to learn more about sign language.