Web-Based Chat Application using web sockets that allows multiple users to have realtime conversation. Implemented Authentication using Github OAuth, we can also add Authentication via Google and Facebook using gomniauth package of golang. Seperate Go Routines for Server and Chat Rooms. Careful Modelling of chatroom, users and avatar structs. It uses github avatars, gravatar Avatars or upload ther own avatars as chatting icons.
Wrapper for handling HTML templates and serving them to API endpoints
type templateHandler struct {
once sync.Once
filename string
templ *template.Template
Chat Room structure which handles the joining and leaving clients, and the forwarded messages in the Chat Room
type room struct {
// forward channel that holds incomig msgs
//that should be forwarded to other clients
forward chan *message
//join is the channel for clients wishing to
//join this channel
join chan *client
//leave is the channel for
// clients wishing to leave the room
leave chan *client
//clients holds all the current clients in this room
clients map[*client]bool
//tracer will recieve trace info of the activity in the room
tracer trace.Tracer
Client Struct holds the reference of websocket, stores info about the User in a map, also the channel for sending messages and the room reference client is associated with.
type client struct {
// socket is the web socket for this client.
socket *websocket.Conn
// send is a channel on which messages are sent.
send chan *message
// room is the room this client is chatting in.
room *room
//stores info about the user
userData map[string]interface{}
Chat User stuct holds the unique ID of user and User profile name using gomniauth
type chatUser struct {
uniqueID string