This is a simple, commandline based remote controller for the Onkyo NR series based on the ISCP over ethernet protocol.
OnkyoControl.exe /ip=[ip] (/command=[command]) (/c) (/increaseVolume=[steps]) (/decreaseVolume=[steps]) (/outputDecimal) /ip=[ip] This is the only required argument, replace [ip] with the receivers IP Address /command=[command] The ISCP command you wish to execute, see /c for a list of suggested parameters. /c When this command is set, a suggested list of commands is shown Use Google to find a full list of commands supported by your receiver. /noConsole When this parameter is set, there will be no visible console. Usefull for hotkeys etc. /increaseVolume=[steps] Increase the master volume by [steps] steps. /decreaseVolume=[steps] Decrease the master volume by [steps] steps. /setVolume=[volume] Set the volume to [volume] /outputDecimal When asing a question (A command ending in QSTN), this option converts the response to a directly usable decimal in stead of the Hex codes. **NOTE** Only one of increase/decrease/setVolume will be executed when both are given in the same command. **NOTE** When a increase/decrease/setVolume volume command is specified, no other commands are executed. **NOTE** The increase/decrease/setVolume arguments are hardlimited to a max of 80. Errorcodes: 0 All OK 1 Not all required parameters are given 2 Invalid IP-Address 3 Some exception occured, receiver is probably unreachable