This checkmk plugin enables your checkmk server to send notifications via Signal. At the moment there is no support for signal groups.
This plugin requires the following python libraries:
- pysignald
- phonenumbers
Python3 is required.
This plugin uses signald for the communication with Signal. For the documentation of signald see:
If you find errors in the script, feel free to create pull requests.
Install signald on your server liked described here:
Register a new signal account or link signald with an existing account
Install the python libraries
Copy this script to /omd/sites/YOUR-SITE/share/check_mk/notifications
Ensure the script is executable
Change from_number in the script to your signal account number
Add a new notification rule, the number of the recipient is passed as a number in E164 format for example: +123456789
Here is an example of a signal message, part of the data obfuscated for privacy reasons:
Thanks to mh-g who brought me to the idea!
Code to be found here:
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.