This is the frontend for the COlleCtion of Open Natural prodUcTs (COCONUT). Features:
- browse database (cards and table browser with pagination)
- search by SMILES, InChI, InChIKey, molecular formula (two implementations for that)
- structure and substructure search
- individual page for each compound with molfile download and all information currently available in uniqueNaturalProduct collection
- download database as SDF
Ensure that all search fields are indexed. At the moment these are the following fields in the collection uniqueNaturalProduct
- clean_smiles
- inchi
- inchikey
- molecular_formula
- smiles
and these for sourceNaturalProduct
- simpleInchiKey
- simpleInchi
- source
- HeaderSearchBar: search event can be fired only once without reloading the page, proposal: fix by HOC withHeaderSearchBar
- SubstructureSearch: poor performance although using Ullmann, see
- Tomcat configuration to allow illegal characters in URLs not working
- browser filters
- advanced search
- pagination for search results
- change searches from URL paths to URL queries
- make substructure search sharable by setting search smiles in URL