With the Postcode Service you can auto complete a partly given address and check its validity.
This code base is an extension (plugin) for the Adobe Magento platform using the Postcode Service API https://api.postcodeservice.com. The extension is available and maintained free or charge. However, there is a fee associated with using the Postcode Service, which is integrated with the extension. The exact cost depends on the amount of usage. You can find detailed pricing information on the website at https://postcodeservice.com/#compare-packages
3 Reasons for using the Postcode Service Adobe Magento extension:
- Superfast performance due to specific code and design optimizations for Adobe Magento webshops
- Accurate and reliable data, ahead of the market
- Secure: Independent of logistics companies
We strongly recommend that you use a staging environment for the installation, and to also make a backup of your environment.
To install the extension login to your environment using SSH.
Then navigate to the Magento 2 root directory and run the following commands in the same order as
Enable maintenance mode:
php bin/magento maintenance:enable
Install the extension:
composer require tig/postcode-magento2
Enable the Postcode Service Magento 2 extension
php bin/magento module:enable TIG_Postcode
Update the Magento 2 environment:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
When your Magento environment is running in production mode, you also need to run the following commands:
Compile DI:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Deploy static content:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Disable maintenance mode:
php bin/magento maintenance:disable
To update the Postcode Service Extension run the following commands:
composer update tig/postcode-magento2
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Download the extension directly from github by clicking on Code and then Download ZIP.
- Create the directory app/code/TIG/Postcode (Case-sensitive)
- Extract the zip and upload the code into app/code/TIG/Postcode
- Enable the Postcode Service Magento 2 extension
php bin/magento module:enable TIG_Postcode
- Update the Magento 2 environment
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
After completing the installation process, the extension should be readily available in the backend of your Magento webshop. From there, you can configure the extension according to your requirements:
Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Postcode Service
Open the Configuration tab
Change the Modus from "Off" to "Test" or "Live"
Insert your Client ID and Api key (Secure Code). When you selected “Test” at the Modus, you can find test credentials below the fields - keep in mind there is a daily limit -.
To sign up for a paid account and get your Client ID and Api key, simply visit https://postcodeservice.com and subscribe. -
In the 'Countries' section, select the country for which you wish to enable the Postcode Service.
Flush your cache
The functionality for Germany is similar to that for Belgium. Please refer to the preceding example for a demonstration of its operation.
The functionality for France is similar to that for Belgium and Germany. Please refer to the preceding example for a demonstration of its operation.
You can find the underlying Postcode Service API documentation here: https://developers.postcodeservice.com
A: While our extension is compatible with many third-party checkout extensions, we do not provide support for third-party checkout extensions from OneStepCheckout.com, Amasty, and MagePlaza. Although there are numerous webshops that successfully use these extensions in combination with our Postcode Service extension, we cannot guarantee their compatibility due to potential issues arising from custom implementations. As a result, we are unable to offer support for any issues that may arise from their use.
Adobe Magento Open Source (Community edition) or Adobe Commerce (Enterprise version).
We follow the release support lines dates from Adobe https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/release/versions.html for the version support of this extension.
See https://postcodeservice.com/support/
See https://github.com/postcodeservice/postcode-magento2/releases
The Postcode Service is a trademark of the Total Internet Group B.V.