This is the first version of my telegram bot which allows a simple expenses tracker. It is based on this library
The bot can now take income and outcome and display the current month resume; here is a list of commands:
/listoutcome <month>
1 print the list of the chosen month outcome, if blank the current month is used/listincome <month>
1 print the list of the chosen month income, if blank the current month is used/delete +/-<income/outcome amount> <comment>
delete the specified entry/balance <month>
1 print total income, total outcome and the difference between those 2 (aka balance)/income <income amount> <comment>
add to the income table the amount and the comment associated/outcome <outcome amount> <comment>
add to the outcome table the amount and the comment associated
Install docker
- Create the
file, filled with the telegram bot token - Go into the clone folder and run
docker build moneytrackerBot/
- Copy the container id
- Run
docker run <container id>
Install docker
- Create the
file, filled with the telegram bot token - Run
docker-compose up -d