Download all Debug Log files from a Salesforce Org
If you don't already have node and sfdx (Salesforce cli) installed you must install them.
Install dlog
- sudo npm -g install @pogilvie/dlog
dlog requires an authenticated DX user. Create an authentication entry in the force:org:list if an entry for the target org does not already exist.
$ sfdx force:auth:web:login -a <your org alias>
Create a directory for where your downloaded logs should go and cd into the directory
$ mkdir logs
# cd logs
Finally, run the command
$ dlog -u myOrg
dlog creates an index.csv file which you may load into a spreadsheet which will give you an overview of the downloaded logs.
07L4N00000Nut26UAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 701 27603
07L4N00000Nut2BUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Assertion Failed 2710 20837
07L4N00000Nut2GUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 615 5529
07L4N00000Nut2LUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1626 10366
07L4N00000Nut2QUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 689 19410
07L4N00000Nut2VUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 677 8355
07L4N00000Nut2aUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1404 12286
07L4N00000Nut2fUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1372 12658
07L4N00000Nut2kUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 676 6027
07L4N00000Nut2pUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1431 46495
07L4N00000Nut2uUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1023 7239
07L4N00000Nut2zUAB Peter Ogilvie Api Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [ProfileId]: [ProfileId] 1955 32313
07L4N00000Nut34UAB Peter Ogilvie Api Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Books must have two pages: [] 1057 4016
07L4N00000Nut39UAB Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1030 3520
07L4N00000Nut3EUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 3982 1715345
07L4N00000Nut3JUAR Peter Ogilvie Api Success 1073 15922
If you only want to create print and create a table of contents of log files use the -T option.