- Function: inspect movies (*.mrc) quality manually
- Function: convert .mrc file to SMV imgage file (.img)
- because data reduction software developed for x-ray crystallography does not understand MRC or TVIPS files
- tvips-tools-jiffies has mrc2smv
- Open method: (in macOS) double-click Adxv in /Applications
- Function 1: triage image quality manually
- Function 2: locate ORGX and ORGY manually (however, AutoMicroED will estimate ORGX and ORGY automatically if user specified an argument for this function)
- Function
- index and integrate SMV image files
- process single-crystal monochromatic diffraction data recorded by the rotation method
- Input
- SMV image files
- Output
- XDS_ASCII.HKL that contains corrected intensities of all reflections recorded in the data images.
- CORRECT.LP that has COMPLETENESS information.
- Automatic troubleshootings will be tried depending on situations
- These troubleshootings include
- sliding SPOT RANGE, applying half SPOT RANGE and full BACKGROUND RANGE, running shorter JOBs, applying shorter DATA RANGE and trying DELPHI=10
- Additionally, once CORRECT.LP is found, AutoMicroED further iterates xds looping various BEAM DIVERGENCE and REFLECTING RANGE values until ISa no longer improves.
- These troubleshootings include
- Main function: To provide final output for publication purpose (showing what range/wedge of data was collected).
- Other function: spot2pdb can visualize which spots were indexed and not indexed by XDS as well. However, AutoMicroED recommends to use generate_adx for this purpose.
- Input (per mrcs)
- Output (per mrcs)
- SPOT-indexed.pdb, SPOT-notindexed.pdb
- A user needs to inspect manually.
- To do
- Copy merged SPOT.pdb files to user's computer.
- For example, scp -r kimd999@kriosgpu.emsl.pnl.gov:/gpustorage/DN/microED/acet/protein_False/output/20210726_18_50_22/spot2pdb_result_merged .
- Open with coot
- For example, coot SPOT-*.pdb
- Visualiazation example in coot
- Copy merged SPOT.pdb files to user's computer.
- To do
- Function: whole frame verification (checking index)
- This is optional, but recommended.
- A user needs to inspect manually.
- Input: XDS_ASCII.HKL in xds folder per each input mrc(s)
- Output: adx files in img folder per each input mrc(s)
- To do
- Install (once)
- copy generate_adx_source_file to user's folder
- gfortran -O -C generate_adx.f90 -o generate_adx
- Specify generate_adx folder that has compiled generate_adx binary
- Refer (AutoMicroED git repository)/templates/args_file/explanation_of_args.txt
- Analysis method
- (in macOS) double-click Adxv in /Applications
- Open both input img (or mrcs) and adx file
- (If generated adx files lacks extension, then put .adx extension)
- (Welcome to re-use/modify (AutoMicroED git repository)/util/add_extension.py)
- (If generated adx files lacks extension, then put .adx extension)
- Install (once)
- Function: allows only per frame verification (checking index)
- This is optional, but recommended.
- A user needs to inspect manually.
- To do
- Install (once)
- macOS
- Download xds-viewer binary package from http://xds-viewer.sourceforge.net
- Move XDS-Viewer binary to /Applications and double-click there
- Linux
- Download https://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/pub/linux_bin/XDS-viewer
- (for example,) wget https://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/pub/linux_bin/XDS-viewer
- chmod +rwx XDS-viewer
- Download https://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/pub/linux_bin/XDS-viewer
- windowsOS
- We found no evidence of WindowsOS support
- macOS
- Input
- Download FRAME.cbf (Crystallographic Binary File) to user's computer
- For example, scp kimd999@kriosgpu.emsl.pnl.gov:/gpustorage/DN/microED/acet/protein_False/output/20210625_19_39_22/131749merged/xds/FRAME.cbf .
- (for mac), double-click xds-viewer binary in /Applications, then File -> Load Image (FRAME.cbf)
- (for Linux), we couldn't run XDS-viewer even after logging in -X, -XC, -Y with
- "However,qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display Could not connect to any X display."
- Download FRAME.cbf (Crystallographic Binary File) to user's computer
- Output example
- Install (once)
- Function: scale .mrc files
- Retrieve LATT, SYMM records
- Output: output.ahkl
- Function: merge (many) XDS_ASCII.HKL files
- Input: Many XDS_ASCII.HKL files from same SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER and similar UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS
- (If absolute difference of a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma of UNIT_CELL < 1 between datasets, it is considered as "similar" enough to be merged).
- Output: XDS_ASCII_merged.hkl
- Function: convert reflection data files from xds or xscale into various formats for crystal structure determination like CCP4, or SHELX
- Input: XDS_ASCII_merged.hkl
- Output (small molecule): shelxt_input_from_xdsconv.hkl SHELX !CCP4_I+F ! or CCP4_I or CCP4_F or SHELX or CNS
- Output (protein): ready_for_f2mtz.hkl CCP4_I+F