- In output/(run date-time)/(SPACE_GROUP)/(UNIT_CELL)
- Space group identification
- self-explanatory in a folder name
- (alternatively) grep " Space group Flack_x" -A 1 shelxt_input_from_xdsconv.lxt
- Unit cell constants identification
- self-explanatory in a folder name
- (alternatively) grep UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS XSCALE.LP
- Merged COMPLETENESS of DATA identification
- Space group identification
- In output/(run date-time)/(SPACE_GROUP)/(UNIT_CELL)/shelxl_no_cif
- Open sol1.fcf (Coot -> File -> Open MTZ, mmCIF, fcf or phs)
- Open sol1.res (Coot -> File -> Open Coordinates)
- (For macOS, Coot can be installed at /Applications/ccp4-7.0)
- Resolution can be known by _reflns_d_resolution_high
- For example, if "grep _reflns_d_resolution_high sol1.fcf" shows _reflns_d_resolution_high 0.9003
- the minimal resolution is 0.9003 Angstrom.
- There are other local areas whose resolutions are worse than this minimal resolution.
- However, it is customary to report this minimum resolution both in x-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.
- In output/(run date-time)/(SPACE_GROUP)/(UNIT_CELL)/shelxl_with_cif
- .cif file is generated