Python script to check hashes and files at VirusTotal.
Supported python version: 3
Supported hashes: MD5, SHA1, SHA256
Be aware that the free API provided by VirusTotal is limited to 4 requests / minute
Python Modules: pip3 install requests , pip3 install simplejson
API-KEY from
* Check single hash
* Check multiple hashes from a txt file
* Hash files and check the hash
* Upload a file for scanning
usage: [-h] [--hash HASH] [--upload UPLOAD] [--file FILE]
[--mass MASS] [--output OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hash HASH checks hash at VT
--upload example.exe uploads file to VT for scanning (NOT SUITABLE FOR
--file example.exe hashes file and checks hash at VT
--mass hashes.txt reads multiple hashes out of a txt file and checks them at
VT , needs --output for results
--output /path/result.txt specify outputpath for mass-check
Published under GNU General Public License v3.0