This project is a filter for Fail2ban to ban anyone accessing a working Endlessh-Server!
The project itself is complete and ready for use.
Requirements for running the webui are:
Running Endlessh Server with Logging to a logfile (
Running Fail2ban-Service (
Install endleesh.
For Debian/Ubuntu Distros open Console and runsudo apt install endlessh
For other Distros look here ( -
Configure endleesh
Runsudo editor /etc/endleesh/config
AddPort 2222 Delay 10000 MaxLineLength 32 MaxClients 4096 LogLevel 2 BindFamily 0
Start Endlessh
Runsudo endlessh -v >endlessh.log 2>endlessh.err
Or a service for Distros with Systemd: Runsudo editor /lib/systemd/system/endlessh.service
[Unit] Description=Endlessh SSH Tarpit Documentation=man:endlessh(1) [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=30sec ExecStart=/usr/bin/endlessh KillSignal=SIGTERM StartLimitInterval=5min StartLimitBurst=4 StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal StandardInput=null PrivateTmp=true PrivateDevices=true ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=true InaccessiblePaths=/run /var PrivateUsers=true NoNewPrivileges=true ConfigurationDirectory=endlessh ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectControlGroups=true MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true StandardOutput=file:/var/log/endlessh.log StandardError=file:/var/log/endlessh.err [Install]
sudo systemctl enable endleesh
Runsudo systemctl start endleesh
Install fail2ban
Runsudo apt install fail2ban
Add to
sudo editor /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
enabled = true
maxretry = 1
bantime = 2419200
findtime = 432000
port = 0:65535
logpath = /var/log/endlessh.log
filter = endlessh
ignoreip =
Add filter
sudo editor /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/endlessh.conf
[Definition] failregex = ^.* ACCEPT host=::ffff:<HOST> port=.*
sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
Runsudo systemctl start fail2ban
Test with an SSH-Client by connecting to the fake SSH-Server (Caution you might ban yourself).
Add ignoreip in/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
- If you want to run the endlessh Server on Port 22 run
echo 'net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0' > /etc/sysctl.d/50-unprivileged-ports.conf and sysctl --system