The application provides API with CRUD functionality for suppliers, products and contacts. There are three kinds of suppliers - Factory, Retail Network and Individual Entrepreneur in the app having certain hierarchy position. You can create different suppliers and set connections between them, change suppliers and edit its fields. Only authorised users with 'is_active' parameter will get access to the API.
The app provides functionality as follows:
- A new user registration by username and password with receiving JWT tokens
- User login and refresh access token
- CRUD any kind of supplier
- CRUD products and contacts for each supplier
- Change upper-lever supplier for each supplier
Technologies used in the project:
- Django
- Gunicorn
- Simple JWT
- Pydantic
- DRF Spectacular
- Django Filters
- Docker
- Docker-compose
How to start the project: To start the app just follow the next steps:
- Clone the repository
- Install docker and docker-compose packages by the command
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Create .env file using an example provided below
- Prepare docker-compose.yaml file (you can change ports, volumes, etc. if you want)
- Start the app by using
sudo docker-compose up -d --build
command - The main page with swagger will be available by the url http://localhost/docs/ (if started locally) or http://yourdomain/docs/ (if started on the server)
- After that application is ready to process requests
- To get access to the API you should either set IS_ACTIVE parameter in .env file to True, or you can use
the next option:
sudo docker exec -it <api container id> /bin/bash
and after that enter the command./ createsuperuser
and follow the steps - Use your registration details to get access token. After that you can use the API
Example of .env file:
POSTGRES_HOST=db (localhost or name of docker container)
TITLE=Test title
DESCRIPTION=test description
TOKEN_LIFETIME=60 (minutes)
The project was created by Alexey Mavrin in 02 June 2023