This application was created as test task for Aspex company.
The app provides functionality as follows:
- A new user registration by email and password
- User login and logout
- Getting a list of all tables available for booking
- Getting all tables booked by current user
- Booking chosen table if conditions such as time and persons amount are appropriate
- Changing booking parameters (time and persons amount)
- Canceling booking if current time is more than an hour before booking time
Technologies used in the project:
- Fastapi
- SQLAlchemy
- Uvicorn
- Bcrypt
- PyJwt
- Docker
- Docker-compose
How to start the project: To start the app just follow the next steps:
- Clone the repository
- Install docker and docker-compose packages by the command
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Create .env file using an example provided below
- Prepare docker-compose.yaml file (change database name and db username)
- Start the app by using
sudo docker-compose up -d
command - The main page with swagger will be available by the url http://localhost/ (if started locally) or http://yourdomain/ (if started on the server)
- After that application is ready to process requests
Example of .env file:
POSTGRES_DB=booking - your db name
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=plamer0805 - db username's password
POSTGRES_USER=plamer - db username
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 - db port
POSTGRES_HOST=db - database host (the name of docker container)
JWT_SECRET=testing_jwt_secret - secret to generate JWT tokens (should be very strong)
JWT_ALGO=HS256 - JWT algorithm to generate JWT tokens (can be used by default - SHA256)
JWT_EXP_HOURS=1 - JWT token expiration (by default an hour)
TZ_SHIFT=3 - your timezone relative to UTC
API_TITLE=Aspex-Booking - Fast API title shown in swagger
API_DESCRIPTION=The test application for Aspex vacancy - description of the application
API_VERSION=1.0.0 - Version of the application
The project was created by Alexey Mavrin in 25 May 2023