A micro library packaged as and Ember CLI Addon - a group of Ember.js Components that interact to create an Off-Canvas user interface.
Use this addon in you ember-cli application...
ember install ember-off-canvas-components
Download a release.
Copy to your vendor directory and link up the .js and .css files
- An off-canvas area is positioned outside of the viewport and slides into view when activated.
- (Off-canvas is a UI pattern, and not associated with the html
git clone git@github.com:pixelhandler/ember-off-canvas-components.git
cd ember-off-canvas-components
npm install
bower install
npm run sass
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.
Also see the packaging readme file for a non Ember CLI release.
The dummy app is used for the demo on the gh-pages branch. Test out the addon in an ember-cli by copying some of the source code of the dummy app.
Test with local clone of this repo using npm link
cd ember-off-canvas-components
npm link
cd ../
ember new test-app
cd test-app
npm link ember-off-canvas-components
Or, test with a github repo
ember new test-app
cd test-app
npm install pixelhandler/ember-off-canvas-components --save-dev
Copy the dummy app files and run the test-app
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs app/templates/application.hbs
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/templates/index.hbs app/templates/index.hbs
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/templates/off-canvas.hbs app/templates/off-canvas.hbs
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/controllers/index.js app/controllers/index.js
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/routes/index.js app/routes/index.js
cp node_modules/ember-off-canvas-components/tests/dummy/app/styles/app.css app/styles/app.css
ember server