Post processes output from RNA-Seq alignments. Has been used on salmon 'quant.sf' outputs, but may generalize to other outputs soon.
Restart R In R (local library, packrat library):
Or for a specific version:
devtools::install_github("Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/PostRNASeqAlign", ref = "0.5.3") Moved to github so that the package could be accessed without a token.
was a patchwork of mapping isoforms to genes using
biomaRt/AnnotationDbi and it still wasn't able to map all of the HGNC symbols
to ENSTs one-to-one. A new conversion table has been added (see repo
human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez v0.1-01). These new functions have been created to
take advantage of this table:
- for accessing the conversion tablequantsf_to_dt
- just takes counts or tpm from the quant.sf and puts them in a matrixconvert_ensembl
- converts ENST's to ENSG, HGNC symobls or Entrez IDsensembl_counts_to_rkpm
- converts Ensemble counts to RKPM
These smaller functions no-longer upper-quartile normalization or log2 transform
the data, but these transformations can be done using binfotron
& normalize_rows_by_quartile
Finally, using 8 threads, convert_ensembl
is about 3x faster than
will be kept around until it's phased out of our
- Avoid using RKPM unless you are doing it preparation for other module (eg TIDE).
- It's better to stick with HGNC instead of Entrez IDs as HGNCs map one-to-one and the Entrez data have a lot of gaps.
- Right now the
table was built using a GTF for GRCh38/v103. If a different GTF is used to map the reads then ideally a new conversion table would be provided for those conversions. - Make unit tests
- Conversion tables should only convert 1 to 1 to avoid problems where one column's content could be duplicated if a one-to-many relationship exists in another column
transcript_counts_dt = quantsf_to_dt(
input_file_paths = list.files("~/_tagged_batches/Gide_Cell_2019/rna_quant/all_v1", pattern = "*quant.sf", full.names = T)[1:5],
counts_or_tpm = "counts", # or tpm
readme_path = "~/scratch/test_readme.txt",
sample_key = "Run_ID",
this_script_path = housekeeping::get_script_dir_path(include_file_name = T)
hgnc_counts_dt = convert_ensembl(
conversion_table_path = PostRNASeqAlign::get_human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez_path(),
convert_to_column = "hgnc_symbol", # gene_id, hgnc_symbol, entrez_id or hgnc_entrez
gene_biotypes = NULL, # eg: protein_coding
function_for_combining_counts = sum,
readme_path = "~/scratch/test_readme2.txt",
this_script_path = housekeeping::get_script_dir_path(include_file_name = T),
thread_num = 8
rkpm_dt = ensembl_counts_to_rkpm(
lengths_table_path = PostRNASeqAlign::get_human_ensembl_to_hgnc_entrez_path(),
readme_path = "~/scratch/test_readme3.txt",
this_script_path = housekeeping::get_script_dir_path(include_file_name = T)