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This project is part of the 42 curriculum and serves as the foundation for understanding fundamental C programming concepts. Libft provides a custom implementation of essential standard library functions, including string manipulation, memory management, and linked list operations. Each function has been crafted to mirror or extend the capabilities of libc functions, with some additional utilities to enhance functionality. Explore the documentation to learn how each function works and how to integrate them into your projects.

Directory Tree

├── /inc
│   └── libft.h
├── /src
│   ├── libft.c
│   ├── ft_strlen.c
│   ...
└── Makefile

/inc: This directory contains the project header file.
/src: This directory contains the project's source code files.

Logical Groups

Libc Additional
String ft_strlen, ft_strlcpy, ft_strlcat, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strncmp, ft_strnstr, ft_strdup ft_substr, ft_strjoin, ft_strtrim, ft_split, ft_strmapi, ft_striteri
Memory ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_calloc
Utils ft_toupper, ft_tolower, ft_atoi, ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint ft_itoa, ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd, `ft_putnbr_fd
List ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front, ft_lstsize, ft_lstlast, ft_lstadd_back, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstclear, ft_lstiter, ft_lstmap

String Functions

  • The functions under the String category involve various operations on strings, such as calculating length, copying, concatenating, and searching within strings.
  • Functions like ft_strlen, ft_strlcpy, ft_strlcat, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strncmp, ft_strnstr, and ft_strdup reimplement common C standard library functions for working with strings.
  • The Additional functions provide further capabilities such as creating substrings (ft_substr), joining strings (ft_strjoin), trimming characters (ft_strtrim), splitting strings (ft_split), and applying functions to string characters (ft_strmapi, ft_striteri).

Memory Functions

  • The Memory functions handle operations on memory blocks, such as setting values, copying, and comparing memory areas.
  • Functions like ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, and ft_calloc provide the ability to manipulate raw memory, essential for low-level memory management.
  • These functions include reimplementations of common C standard library functions for memory handling, with some responsible for memory allocation (ft_calloc).

Utility Functions

  • The Utility category includes character classification and conversion functions like ft_toupper, ft_tolower, ft_atoi, ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, and ft_isprint. These functions check or modify individual characters or strings based on predefined criteria, like whether a character is alphabetic, a digit, or printable.
  • Additionally, there are Additional functions such as integer-to-string conversion (ft_itoa) and file descriptor-based output functions (ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd, ft_putnbr_fd), which provide flexibility for outputting data to different streams.

List Functions (Bonus)

  • The List functions focus on operations involving linked lists, a fundamental data structure in C programming.
  • Functions like ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front, ft_lstsize, ft_lstlast, ft_lstadd_back, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstclear, ft_lstiter, and ft_lstmap provide the ability to create and manipulate singly linked lists, including adding nodes, traversing the list, and applying functions to elements.

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