CD into the cross platform HTML5 couchapp codebase and push the couchapp to your device's Couchbase instance.
cd photoshare
couchapp push .
Start an instance of the Cloud manager on your server.
Visit your Couchapp and try making a new channel. All your channels should be mirrored on the cloud device.
Also there is the channels
management CouchApp you can install here:
photoshare/config.json should look like this for local testing (where you laptop is your device and your cloud):
{ "cloud" : "http://localhost:5984/photoshare-control-cloud", "device" : "photoshare-control-device" }
Or it could look like this if you are deploying to Iris Couch:
{ "cloud" : "", "device" : "photoshare-control-device" }
Welcome to PhotoShare!
To visit a your local copy of the app, visit: config.device To see your data in the cloud, visit: To adminster the cloud, visit: admin app url