Docker image configuration for testing Taurus.
It is based on a Debian stretch and it provides the following infrastructure for installing and testing Taurus:
- xvfb, for headless GUI testing
- taurus dependencies and recommended packages (PyTango, PyQt, Qwt, guiqwt, spyder, ...)
- A Tango DB and TangoTest DS configured and running for testing taurus-tango
- A basic Epics system and a running SoftIoc for testing taurus-epics
The primary use of this Docker image is to use it in our Continuous Integration workflow.
But you may also run it on your own machine:
docker run -d --name=taurus-stretch -h taurus-test cpascual/taurus-test:debian-stretch
... or, if you want to launch GUI apps from the container and do not mind about X security:
xhost +local:
docker run -d --name=taurus-stretch -h taurus-test -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix cpascual/taurus-test:debian-stretch
Then you can log into the container with:
docker exec -it taurus-stretch bash
Note: this image does not contain taurus itself (since it is designed for installing development versions of taurus) but you can install it easilly using any of the following examples from your container (for more details, see
Example 1: installing taurus from the official debian repo.
apt-get update apt-get install python-taurus -y
Example 2: installing the latest develop version from the git repo (you may use any other branch instead of develop):
git clone -b develop cd taurus python install
Example 3: using pip to do the same as in example 2:
pip install git+
Thanks to reszelaz for providing the first version of this docker image