This project uses moment-timezone's data utitlities to create compact but comprehensive lists of timezones for user interfaces.
import timezones from '@picter/timezones/data/select-list.json';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import momentData from '@picter/timezones/data/moment-timezones.json';
console.log(JSON.stringify(timezones, null, 2));
"label": "(UTC-11:00) Niue",
"value": "Pacific/Niue"
"label": "(UTC-11:00) Pago Pago, Midway, Samoa",
"value": "Pacific/Pago_Pago"
// use pre-built moment data to base moment on the same data;
The values are extracted from iana's time zone database and can safely be used by libraries like moment-timezone.
iana publishes database updates twice a year. As soon as moment-timezone updated their data, we can update our moment-timezone dev-dependency and rebuild our lists with yarn run build