Automate Mobile ID (SIM Toolkit) user response.
- Auto-respond to SIM Toolkit request, for example a Mobile ID authentication request
- Auto detect the SIM terminal (USB port)
- Configuration of the radio access technology (4G/3G/2G)
- Forward incoming Text SMS (if they match a configured pattern) to a configured target MSISDN
- Publish incoming Text SMS (if they match a configured pattern) to a URL
- Write watchdog file upon every successful AT communication
Recommended setup:
This application has been tested with Raspberry PI 4 and PLS8-E LTE terminal. HCP HIT U4 LTE terminal, Technical documentation, Windows Drivers (Password: Gemalto019)
To find serial port details on Raspberian:
- Unplug the GSM terminal
- Run:
sudo dmesg -c
- Plug in the GSM terminal and wait a few seconds
- Run:
sudo dmesg
pi@raspberypi:~ $ git clone
pi@raspberypi:~/atclient $ mkdir class
pi@raspberypi:~/atclient $ javac -d ./class -cp "./lib/*" ./src/com/swisscom/atclient/*.java
Edit the atclient.cfg
to configure the ATClient parameters.
pi@raspberypi:~ $ /usr/bin/java -Dconfig.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.cfg -Dlog.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.log -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/home/mid/atclient/log4j2.xml -cp "/home/mid/atclient/class:/home/mid/atclient/lib/*" com.swisscom.atclient.ATClient --help
*** AT Client ***
Usage: ATClient [<MODE>]
<MODE> Switch operation mode:
ER Switch to Explicit Response (ER) and enable modem usage.
AR Switch to Automatic Response (AR) and reset AT command settings to factory default values.
If no <MODE> argument found: Run user emulation with automatic serial port detection (ER operation mode only)
-Dlog.file=atclient.log # Application log file
-Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml # Location of log4j.xml configuration file
-Dserial.port=/dev/ttyACM1 # Select specific serial port (no automatic port detection)
As a first step, you must switch the terminal from factory default Automatic Response (AR) mode to Explicit Response (ER) mode.
pi@raspberypi:~ $ /usr/bin/java -Dserial.port=/dev/ttyACM1 -Dconfig.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.cfg -Dlog.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.log -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/home/mid/atclient/log4j2.xml -cp "/home/mid/atclient/class:/home/mid/atclient/lib/*" com.swisscom.atclient.ATClient ER
Once your terminal is in Explicit Response (ER) mode you can run the ATClient program in normal mode:
pi@raspberypi:~ $ /usr/bin/java -Dconfig.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.cfg -Dlog.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.log -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/home/mid/atclient/log4j2.xml -cp "/home/mid/atclient/class:/home/mid/atclient/lib/*" com.swisscom.atclient.ATClient
If a keyword (case sensitive) is found in the Mobile ID authentication message, the ATClient will invoke specific actions.
'CANCEL' : TerminalResponse '16' - Proactive SIM session terminated by user.
'STKTIMEOUT' : TerminalResponse '18' - No response from user.
'USERDELAY=x' : The very first TerminalResponse will be delayed by x seconds (supported values are 1 to 9).
'BLOCKPIN' : Mobile ID PIN will be blocked.
'RAT=x' : Set Radio Access Technology to x (supported values are: A=Automatic, 0=2G, 2=3G, 7=4G).
'REBOOT' : Execute 'reboot' linux command. (ATClient must be run as root)
'MAINTENANCE' : Execute maintenance shell script. (ATClient must be run as root)
On Raspberian you can configure ATClient to auto-start (as forked process) at boot. Edit /etc/rc.local
and before the exit 0
, add:
(/bin/sleep 80 && /usr/bin/java -Dconfig.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.cfg -Dlog.file=/home/mid/atclient/atclient.log -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/home/mid/atclient/log4j2.xml -cp "/home/mid/atclient/class:/home/mid/atclient/lib/*" com.swisscom.atclient.ATClient) &
The sleep of 80 seconds is recommended because the PLS8-E LTE terminal requires 30-40 seconds boot time.