A Vue.js powered display of accessibility results generated by pa11y-ci.
This is intended to be used as a docker service, in conjunction with another service that generates reports, but can be run standalone locally if you also install pa11y-ci (npm install --save pa11y-ci
). This is not included by default due to pa11y's dependence on a 90mb copy of headless chrome (used to actually run the tests).
This assumes you have access to npm and docker.
npm install
npm run report
docker-compse run --rm pa11y
npm run serve
This will install necessary dependencies, convert config to a usuable .json file, run pa11y-ci in a docker container, and then start a webpack dev server locally to see the results in a manageable dashboard.
Add these to the appropriate docker-compose for your project, and get accessible today!
version: '3.3'
# a service to generate pa11y results
# docker-compose run --rm pa11y
image: outrigger/pa11y:dev
container_name: pa11y
command: bash -c "cd /code/pa11y && pa11y-ci --config /code/pa11y/config.json --json > report.json"
# pa11y-ci works by default with a .pa11yci file
- ./tests/pa11y/:/code/pa11y/
# a service to spin up this pa11y result dashboard
# docker-compose run --rm dashboard
image: outrigger/pa11y-dashboard
container_name: pa11ydash
network_mode: bridge
- type: bind
source: ./tests
target: /app/tests
The first service uses an image that contains both pa11y and pa11y-ci. It looks for your pa11y config inside of tests/pa11y/
, and uses that inside the image. The command switches to the appropriate folder and runs the test based on your config, and outputs results as a JSon object.
The second service runs this dashboard in dev mode, and makes it available outside of the container at www.pa11y.vm/
. It looks at ./tests/pa11y/
to ingest the generated report.json from the first service. By running in dev mode, the service can be run once, and will automatically update every time the pa11y service is re-run.
To use this dashboard locally with Docksal, copy the .docksal pa11y command and service definition (both found in the .docksal folder)to your project.
Then, you can run fin pa11y
to generate a report. Run fin project up
to bring all of your project's containers up, including the pa11y dashboard. It should then be visible at http://pa11y.project.docksal/
Configuration options are set in ./tests/pa11y/.pa11yci.js
. See pa11y-ci for more information on specific options. At the very least, a list of urls to test on is needed. This .js file will get converted to a config.json, which is consumed by the docker container that actually runs pa11y-ci.
urls: [
If your site has a sitemap, that can be passed in as an option in the package.json report
command, e.g. pa11y-ci --sitemap http://example.com/sitemap.xml -j > pa11y-report.json
. This will check the urls in your sitemap, in addition to any links defined inside the .pa11yci
urls array noted above.