Control a compost pile used to generate hot water
The Data is from a large compost pile which dumps the heat in to a pool.
Disconnected pump as part fo the pool winterization process.
Saved old data in "*phase1" directories
New Pump Algorithm: The pumping algorithm is a loop which does the following:
- Start the pump (and faster samples on watched sensors)
- Let the water circulate for MINIMUM_PUMP_TIME_IN_SECONDS .
- Each time the watched sensors are read, record the output temperature
- While the temperature is above PUMP_THRESHOLD
- keep pumping
- When the temperature is at or below PUMP_THRESHOLD
- Turn off the pump
- Return the sampling rate of the watched sensors to the monitor rate
- Loop back to the top of this sequence
Problems with current pipe sensors. For now:
- Inlet is sensor Y
- Outlet is sensor TBD (broken)
- pipe sensor W is just hanging out in the air -- will put in pipe at outlet
Relay for pump is broken.
- Moved from first to second relay (on 4 relay card).
- This only involves moving wires, the code still uses GPIO 17.
- Documents algorithm details to go with collected data.
- Perhaps someone will find this useful.
- Added outlet temperature sensor (sensor W) in to pipe a couple meters after it exits the mound.
- Changed control SW to use this sensor to make pump decisions and set threshold to 50 degrees C.
- Some data will be missing
- Sensors back on line
- Only pump every 48 hours to see if mound will heat up