Bash .ini config file parser
Program: shini 0.0.4 by
Updated: Aug 8 20:18:27 2021
Description: Bash .ini parser
Usage: shini [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-d <default>] <action> <input?> <chapter?> <key?>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-q|--quiet : [flag] no output [default: off]
-v|--verbose : [flag] output more [default: off]
-f|--force : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
-l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files [default: /Users/pforret/log/shini]
-t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files [default: /tmp/shini]
-d|--default <?> : [option] name of chapter with default values [default: _default]
<action> : [parameter] action to perform: chapters/setall/listall/get
<input> : [parameter] input file (optional)
<chapter> : [parameter] chapter name (optional)
<key> : [parameter] key name (optional)
# use `shini chapters` to list all chapters of a .ini file, e.g. to use in a loop
shini chapters production.ini | while read -r chapter ; do (...) done
# use shini setall to set all values of a chapter
shini setall production.ini frontend # and now all the variables in .ini have been set
# use shini listall to list all values of a chapter
shini listall production.ini frontend
# key1=value1
# key2=value2
# use shini get to get the value of 1 key for a certain chapter
port=$(shini get production.ini frontend http_port)
# you can add a chapter with default values
# use shini check to check if this script is ready to execute and what values the options/flags are
shini check
# use shini env to generate an example .env file
shini env > .env
# use shini update to update to the latest version
shini check
> shini .
# start PhpStorm with current folder as project
with basher
$ basher install pforret/shini
or with git
$ git clone
$ cd shini
- script created with bashew
© 2021 Peter Forret