# to commit (and ask for message) and push new changes to Github/Bitbucket
setver push
# to commit with automatic commit message and push new changes to Github/Bitbucket
setver auto
# to just bump the version
setver new minor
# to commit, push and bump the version in 1 go
setver ap # stands for autopatch
- Semantic Versioning helper script, to get and set semver version numbers
- handles versioning for
: for PHP, composer packages - handles versioning for
: for node, npm - handles versioning for
: for PHP, Python, Ruby - handles versioning for
: for bash - handles versioning for
: for bash - handles versioning by '
git tag
': for Github, Bitbucket
Program: setver 2.3.0 by peter@forret.com
Updated: Mar 18 16:57:57 2023
Description: setver but based on bashew
Usage: setver [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-r] [-C] [-N] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-p <prefix>] <action> <input?>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-q|--quiet : [flag] no output [default: off]
-v|--verbose : [flag] output more [default: off]
-f|--force : [flag] do not ask for confirmation [default: off]
-r|--root : [flag] do not check if in root folder of repo [default: off]
-C|--SKIP_COMPOSER: [flag] do not modify composer.json [default: off]
-N|--SKIP_NPM : [flag] do not modify package.json (for npm) [default: off]
-l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files [default: /Users/pforret/log/setver]
-t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files [default: /tmp/setver]
-p|--prefix <?> : [option] prefix to use for git tags [default: v]
<action> : [parameter] action to perform: get/check/push/set/new/md/message/auto/autopatch/ap/skip/changelog/history
<input> : [parameter] input text (optional)
* use setver get to get the version (returns 1 line with the version nr)
* use setver check to get all versions available in this repo
* use setver message to get the current auto-generated commit message
* use setver auto to do commit/push with auto-generated commit message
* use setver autopatch or setver ap to do commit/push with auto-generated commit message & bump patch version
* use setver autominor to do commit/push with auto-generated commit message & bump minor version
* use setver skip to do commit/push with auto-generated commit message and skip GH actions
* use setver md to generate a correct VERSION.md file, if it does not yet exist
* use setver new major/minor/patch to bump version number with 1
* use setver set x.y.z to set new version number
* use setver push to do commit/push with auto-generated commit message
* use setver history to show the git history in a compact format
* use setver check to check if this script is ready to execute and what values the options/flags are
setver check
* use setver env to generate an example .env file
setver env > .env
* use setver update to update to the latest version
setver check
* >>> bash script created with pforret/bashew
* >>> for bash development, also check out pforret/setver and pforret/progressbar
> setver new patch
✔ version 1.12.0 -> 1.12.1
✔ set version in package.json
✔ set version in composer.json
✔ set version in .env.example
✔ set version in VERSION.md
✔ set version in shellscript.sh
✔ commit and push changed files
✔ push tags to git@github.com:pforret/setver.git
✔ to create a release, go to https://github.com/pforret/setver
with basher
basher install pforret/setver
or the hard way
# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/pforret/setver.git
# if you want the script to be in your path
ln -s <cloned_folder>/setver /usr/local/bin/
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.