The GitOps Catalog includes kustomize bases and overlays for a number of OpenShift operators and applications.
This catalog is not officially supported by Red Hat and customers are discouraged from referencing this repo directly as a remote repo in kustomize as future changes may break these references. Instead customers are encouraged to take individual items of interest into their own curated catalog and maintain it as their own.
Each catalog item has (or will have) its own README in its directory root with instructions. Generally speaking, you can usually just apply a "base" or "overlay" directly in your cluster by cloning this repostitory and using the -k
flag (for Kustomize) built into oc
and kubectl
git clone
oc apply -k catalog/jenkins2/overlays/default
Or to skip the cloning step:
oc apply -k
You can reference bases for the various tools here in your own kustomize overlay without explicitly cloning this repo, for example:
kind: Kustomization
namespace: product-catalog-cicd
This enables you to patch these resources for your specific environments. Note that none of these bases specify a namespace, in your kustomization overlay you can include the specific namespace you want to install the tool into.