An implementation of Envoy External Authorization, focused on delivering authN/Z solutions for Istio and Kubernetes.
helps delegate the OIDC Authorization Code Grant Flow
to the Istio mesh. authservice
is compatible with any standard OIDC Provider as well as other Istio End-user Auth features,
including Authentication Policy and RBAC.
Together, they allow developers to protect their APIs and web apps without any application code required.
Some of the features it provides:
- Transparent login and logout
- Retrieves OAuth2 Access tokens, ID tokens, and refresh tokens
- Fine-grained control over which url paths are protected
- Session management
- Configuration of session lifetime and idle timeouts
- Refreshes expired tokens automatically
- Compatible with any standard OIDC Provider
- Supports multiple OIDC Providers for same application
- Trusts custom CA certs when talking to OIDC Providers
- Works either at the sidecar or gateway level
The authservice
images are hosted on authservice's GitHub Package Registry.
Please refer to the bookinfo-example directory for an example of how to use the Authservice.
Refer to the configuration options guide for all of the available configuration options.
We have created a flowchart to explain how authservice makes decisions at different points in the login lifecycle.
See the Makefile for common tasks.
If you are developing on a Mac, this setup guide may be helpful.
To build authservice with Clang, first setup the clang.bazelrc
and then build the authservice with --config=clang
option with bazel.
./bazel/ <path-to-clang>
bazel build //src/main:all --config clang
To Build with FIPS compliant version, add --define boringssl=fips
bazel build //src/main:all --config clang --define boringssl=fips
To build with a containeried environment, with customized bazel arguments.
docker build --build-arg bazel_flags="--config=clang" \
-t ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY}/authservice:latest \
-f ./build/ .
See the authservice github Project
Additional features being considered:
- A more Istio-integrated experience of deploying/configuring/enabling
(e.g.: extending Istio Authentication Policy to includeauthservice
We welcome feedback and contributions. Aside from submitting Github issues/PRs, you can reach out at #oidc-proposal
or #security
channel on Istio’s Slack workspace
(here's how to join).