Using prepareStatement files:
2 parsing time optimization strategies:
- We apply batch insertion, executing multiple insertions in a single database transaction. This strategy reduces the attempts of establishing multiple database connections and improves efficiency by minimizing the connection between the application and the database.
- The time complexity of the algorithm is O(1) for each comparison and insertion. In particularly, we use hashmap to cache sql data, achieving O(1) constant time to check duplicate insertions.
Inconsistency data: InconsistentMovies.txt -- Defined as movies that missing primary key or title or director or year DuplicateMovies.txt -- Defined as movies that duplicate during parsing/insertion DuplicateStars.txt -- Defined as stars that duplicate during parsing/insertion
Zhentao Yang:
- Task 1, Task 2, Task 6
- Video Recording
David Liu:
- Task 3, Task 4, Task 5
- Debug for project 2 search pagination and prev/next button
Video was corrcupted when it was generated. Need to resubmit the video.
Zhentao Yang:
Debug genres sorting and hyperlinked
Generate random price for each movie in database
Extend Project 1
David Liu:
Code Backend Page (login, search, result, cart, confirmation)
Beautify the pages and Using CSS
Renew the query in single-movie and single-star
Zhentao Yang:
Finish createtable.sql
Finish query.sql
Record and Upload Youtube Video
Set up AWS
David Liu:
Code Movie List Page, Single Movie Page, Single Star Page
Beautify the pages and Using CSS
Debug code