This is the API for the guild announcement page, which allows a user to get all the necessary information concerning the Eldrige guild.
- Fastify
- PostgreSQL
Enter your project directory
cd project-directory
Clone the repository
git clone
Move into the created directory
cd guild-announcement-api
Install dependencies
npm install
Setup and populate your .env by following .env.example
touch .env
This API supports basic CRUD operations for handling announcement related changes as well as authentication for protecting specific routes.
- Specific routes that requires authentication: article's POST, DELETE and EDIT routes
- Comments routes: POST, DELETE, and, EDIT
- Users routes: DELETE
- Send a GET request to
- Send a GET request to
- Send a POST request to
// Example request body
"title": "hello world",
"content": "lorem ipsum"
"imageURL": "",
"authorID": "1"
- Send a PUT request to
// Example request body
"username": "good morning world",
"content": "lorem ipsum"
"imageURL": "",
"authorID": "1"
- Send a DELETE request to
Authentication is available at the following routes
- A username must be 6-50 characters long, and can include numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. The username will be lowercased upon storage, and must be unique.
- A password must be 6-200 characters long, and can include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the following special characters: !@#$%^&*
- Send a POST request to
// Example request body
"username": "EldridgeRocks",
"password": "iloveEldridgeGuild"
- Send a POST request to
// Example request body
"username": "EldridgeRocks",
"password": "iloveEldridgeGuild"
This project is not accepting contributions. You are welcome to use as a template.
MIT License