A simple rock paper scissors game located at pephanrockpaperscissors.netlify.app. Created for a frontendmentor.io challenge where the assets are provided but you are allowed to implement the design in any way you wish. For this challenge I chose the technologies listed below. The file structure is inspired by Atomic Design but it does not implement every possible tier in the specification due to project size.
- React
- TailwindCSS
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/peterphan20/frontend-rock-paper-scissors.git
Move into repository
cd frontend-rock-paper-scissors
Install dependencies
npm install
The user has the option to choose from one of the following three choices to play against the computer. If the user decides they want a challenge, they can click on the easy mode button to enable advance mode which increases the number of choices from three to five.
This project is not accepting contributions. You are welcome to use as a template.
MIT License