Releases: pentaho-labs/pentaho-machine-intelligence
V1.5.1 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI < 8.2)
Maintenance release for version 1.5. Fixes a number of bugs. See this commit for details:
V1.5.1 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI >= 8.2)
Maintenance release for version 1.5. Fixes a number of bugs. See this commit for details:
V1.5 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI < 8.2)
Version 1.5 of PMI. Includes support for Keras/Tensorflow applications (zoo models). Also introduces support for xgboost via the python/scikit-learn engine. See the 1.5 release for PDI >=8.2 for archives containing examples.
V1.5 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI >= 8.2)
Version 1.5 of PMI. Includes support for Keras/Tensorflow applications (zoo models). Also introduces support for xgboost via the python/scikit-learn engine.
V1.4 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI < 8.2)
Version 1.4 of PMI. Includes support for supervised deep learning via a new DL4J-based engine. Also includes multi-layer perceptrons in the Weka, R and scikit-learn engines.
V1.4 Plugin Machine Intelligence (PDI >= 8.2)
Version 1.4 of PMI. Includes support for supervised deep learning via a new DL4J-based engine. Also includes multi-layer perceptrons in the Weka, R and scikit-learn engines.
V1.3 Plugin Machine Intelligence
A few more bug fixes. PMI Scoring now always includes the predicted class/cluster field (which contains the most likely label) in the output regardless of whether probabilities are being output as well.
V1.2 Plugin Machine Intelligence
Bug fix for cross-validation eval. Addition of a UI component for editing lists/arrays of configurable objects.
V1.1 Plugin Machine Intelligence
Small bug fix for engine initialisation when a transformation is first run.
V1.0 Plugin Machine Intelligence
Initial release of Plugin Machine Intelligence.