A collection of bash scripts to assist in the management and archival of PDX files, including pdxhtml which generates a static (but responsive!) webpage after json data is generated
Usage: zip_pdx <dir> [-s]
Zips every pdx in a directory
-s Single fire at target dir
-h Display this help message
Usage: pdxrename [-h] [-d <directory>] [-r] [file]
Renames zipped pdx files to match their pdxinfo file.
Also deletes any __MACOSX folders.
You should run this on any collection you want to tag.
-d directory: Process all pdx files in the specified directory.
-r: Recursively process all pdx files in the specified directory and subdirectories. Must be used with -d.
file: Process a specific pdx file.
Usage: pdxtag [-r] <directory> <output_file>
Generate a JSON array containing pdx data
Example: pdxtag -r . index
-r Recursively process files in the directory
<directory> Directory to process
<output_file> JSON output file
Usage: pdxhtml [OPTION]... [FILE]
Generate a PDX index page from PDX JSON data
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-i, --input Specify input JSON file (mandatory)
-o, --output Specify output HTML file. Defaults to games.html if unspecified
./pdxhtml --input games.json --output games.html
Requires a modern version of bash, jq, GNU grep and GNU parallel. Only tested on Linux.
Get roms ready for processing with pdxrename- examine error output to determine if any repairs are needed
[penny@cake archives]$ pdxrename -r -d .
./Arduboy/all-the-demos.zip: multiple pdxinfo files found, aborting
./Arduboy/Rev B/playdate-arduboy-fw_2.0.3_recompile.zip: multiple pdxinfo files found, aborting
At that point, you can generate a json database of your roms, and then generate a webpage
$ time $(pdxtag -r . index; pdxhtml -i index)
real 0m8.675s
user 0m36.887s
sys 0m5.786s
These use GNU parallel and I can't guarantee safety in any capacity- use at your own discretion, I probably won't help you use this.
Mac/UNIX: install a newer version of bash from brew or otherwise, must support readarray. Change "grep" in the scripts to "ggrep" for GNU Grep