Integer Basic boot loader with maximum compatibility for the Apple II series and emulators
To use:
- Make a copy of example/morse321.dsk and rename it
- Replace the contents of the file named APPLESOFT with an Integer BASIC program of your choice (e.g. using CiderPress)
- Your "APPLESOFT" program will run on boot on the original Apple II
- On other machines in the series, integer basic will load onto the language card first, and then "APPLESOFT" will run
To do:
- Use LOADER.OBJ0 program to fast-load INTBASIC if possible
- Fallback to regular INTBASIC loader (if that's possible/needed)
- Use relocatable Integer Basic if language card not available
- Work out what I'm actually doing rn I'm not really sure I'm new to this but it works
- Investigate: Possibly don't need bootloader at all if using something other than DOS3.3 idk.
- Check it works on real hardware
- Find an original Apple II compatible catalog menu program with a very simple UI (just select program to run; no extraneous copy/delete/etc)
Original motivation:
- To make single-program disks playable on the internet archive, where emulator support for the original Apple II is flaky.
- I couldn't work out a simpler way
- Based on code from:
Further reading