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JSON Format: Intersection

rsimon edited this page Aug 8, 2011 · 3 revisions

The /intersect API method returns a JSON object with the following fields:

  • srcSet: the 'source set' name, i.e. first set of the intersection
  • destSet: the 'destination set' name, i.e. second set of the intersection
  • commonPlaces: the list of places the two sets have in common (JSON Format)
  • footprint: a polygon representing the [convex hull] ( of the places' geometries

JSON Example:

                     "geometry": {"type":"Point","coordinates":[35.898549,37.256404]}
  "footprint": [[34.887973,31.62077],[14.2922,32.636748],[12.484959,32.805896],[12.0,44.0],[12.0,44.5],[12.5,44.5],[35.898549,37.256404],[36.0,34.5],[36.0,34.0],[36.5,34.5],[36.5,34.0],[34.887973,31.62077] ]
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