This is very simple project-based application for translating locales using i18n-translators-tools. If you want to try it just download it enter the directory and run ruby start.rb
For managing your locales look at i18n-translators-tools gem and the i18n-translate tool. It can merge and propagate changes and convert to different formats (yml, rb, po, ts, properties).
- various formats support (yml, rb, po, ts, properties)
- nested directories
- can work with locales in nested directories
- creates new locale in every subdirectory respecting .i18n-translate config in the project directory (you can set there e.g.: :exclude => ['rules'])
- if you create new subdirectory using web translator it automaticaly creates empty locale file for all language in actual format.
- default file for every nested directory
- no database required
- various scenarios possible
- e.g: you can have default file in yaml and other locales in po.
enhanced format for rb and yml file it uses enhanced format used by i18n-translators-tools. If you want to use it with ruby i18n library you either have to strip all extra metadata (after you copy files somewhere):
i18n-translate strip
or you have to configure and include correct backends in your application eg:
I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::PO) I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Translate) I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) I18n.default_locale = 'default' I18n.load_path << Dir[ File.expand_path("../locale/default.yml", __FILE__) ] I18n.load_path << Dir[ File.expand_path("../locale/*.po", __FILE__) ] I18n.locale = 'cs' I18n.t("some.key.there")
Because i18n-translate can NOT handle lambdas and procs objects you should store them in different sub-directory and set exclude in project config file (see i18n-translators-tools project how)
no authentication or authorization
raise conditions are possible if more people edit the same file
- i18n
- i18n-translators-tools (version 0.2)
- ramaze
Installing dependencies
gem install i18n i18n-translators-tools ramaze
Downloading translator
git clone
cd i18n-web-translator
ruby start.rb
now point your browser to http://localhost:7000/
- Create a new project in the translator.
- copy your locales to project/<project_dir>
- start translating