Repository for 6400Summer18Team010
EER Diagram:
Phase 1 Report Google Doc:
Revised Version of Rel Mapping
EER Modifications:
Abstract Code:
- Set up mysql database on local machine
- Install python 3.6.2
- Install pipenv (
intoPhase\ 3
directory- Run this command:
pipenv install
- Run this command:
pipenv run python
- Go to on your browser, and your will be redirected to login page
- You may need to create
and edit your connection strings- As an template,
is the default config file that you should not change
- As an template,
- Run this command:
pipenv run python
- Go to on your browser and you should see "Welcome to Emergency Resource Management System Web Service!".
To add a new endpoint, follow the login endpoint sample. To learn more about PyMySQL: go to
Login First, you have to have one row in user table to be able test this end point. Sample request: Sample result:
{"status": "success"}
Main Menu/User information Sample result:
{"AgencyNameLocationOffice": "agencyName", "Category": null, "DateHired": null, "JobTitle": null, "Location": null, "NumberofEmployees": null, "Type": "GovAgency", "Username": "gov"}
Get ESF Sample result:
((1, 'Transportation'), (2, 'Communications'), (3, 'Public Works and Engineering'), (4, 'Firefighting'), (5, 'Emergency Management'), (6, 'Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services'), (7, 'Logistics Management and Resource Support'), (8, 'Public Health and Medical Services'), (9, 'Search and Rescue'), (10, 'Oil and Hazardous Materials Response'), (11, 'Agriculture and Natural Resources'), (12, 'Energy'), (13, 'Public Safety and Security'), (14, 'Long-Term Community Recovery'), (15, 'External Affairs'))
Get Time Unit Sample result:
{'TimeUnit': ['Day', 'Each', 'Hour', 'Week']}
Get Declarations Sample result:
(('ED', 'Emergency'), ('FM', 'Fire Management Assistance'), ('FS', 'Fire Suppression Authorization'), ('MD', 'Major Disaster'))
Get Incidents for user Sample result:
[{"Abbreviation": "ED", "Date": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "Description": "test", "Latitude": 40.0, "Longitude": 40.0, "Name": 2}]
Add Incident If you have Postman, import CS6400.postman_collection.json from Phase 3 Code to your Postman to test this endpoint easily. POST to /addIncident Sample JSON Body:
{ "abbreviation": "ED", "date": "2018/7/18", "description": "test", "latitude": 40, "longitude": 40, "username": "gov" }
Sample result:
{"status": "success"} {"status": "failed"}
Add Resource If you have Postman, import CS6400.postman_collection.json from Phase 3 Code to your Postman to test this endpoint easily. POST to /addResource Sample JSON Body:
{ "name": "resource1", "latitude": 40, "longitude": 40, "model": "test", "maxDistance": 100, "primaryESFNumber": 1, "cost": 100, "unitName": "Hour", "username": "gov", "additionalESFNumbers": [2, 3], "capabilities": ["cap1", "cap2"] }
Sample result:
{"status": "success"} {"status": "failed"}
Get Next Resource Id Sample Result:
{"nextResourceId": 5}
Resource Report
- Sample result
[ {"Number":1, "Description":"Transportation", "total":5, "inuse":2}, {"Number":2, "Description":"Communications", "total":2, "inuse":0}, {"Number":3, "Description":"Public works and Engeering", "total":8, "inuse":7}, ]
Search Resources
POST to /searchResults
Searching by all fields:{ "keyword": "resource", "ESFNumber": 6, "radius": 10, "abbreviation": "ED", "number": "2" }
If any field is None or empty string, then it is ignored. Searching by just by ESFNumber or by keyword and ESFNumber are supported as well. Just need to remove fields not being searched or set it to None from POST json payload. If it is searching by location, radius, abbreviation and number are required.
The result is a list of resources, every resource is a dict with keys:
ID, Name, Owner, Cost, UnitName, Date, [proximity, Own]
The proximity and Own only exists when an incident is specified.
is a boolean value that is True only if the resource belongs to the owner of current incident.Sample result if incident is specified:
[ {'ID': 17, 'Name': 'Life', 'Owner': 'Boy in Red', 'Cost': 1.0, 'UnitName': 'Each', 'ReturnDate': None, 'proximity': 785.7672208422604, 'Own': 1}, {'ID': 1, 'Name': 'name', 'Owner': 'Zemin Jiang', 'Cost': 0.0, 'UnitName': 'Day', 'ReturnDate': None, 'proximity': 867.808561372758, 'Own': 0}, {'ID': 2, 'Name': 'name', 'Owner': 'Zemin Jiang', 'Cost': 0.0, 'UnitName': 'Day', 'ReturnDate': None, 'proximity': 867.808561372758, 'Own': 0}, {'ID': 16, 'Name': 'ChewingGum', 'Owner': 'Boy in Red', 'Cost': 1.0, 'UnitName': 'Each', 'ReturnDate': (2022, 8, 2), 'proximity': 5212.274847227833, 'Own': 1} ]
Sample result if incident is NOT specified:
[ {'ID': 17, 'Name': 'Life', 'Owner': 'Boy in Red', 'Cost': 1.0, 'UnitName': 'Each', 'ReturnDate': None}, {'ID': 1, 'Name': 'name', 'Owner': 'Zemin Jiang', 'Cost': 0.0, 'UnitName': 'Day', 'ReturnDate': None}, {'ID': 2, 'Name': 'name', 'Owner': 'Zemin Jiang', 'Cost': 0.0, 'UnitName': 'Day', 'ReturnDate': None}, {'ID': 16, 'Name': 'ChewingGum', 'Owner': 'Boy in Red', 'Cost': 1.0, 'UnitName': 'Each', 'ReturnDate': (2022, 8, 2)} ]
Request Resource
POST to /requestResource
Sample JSON body:{ "resourceID": 3, "abbreviation": "ED", "number": 3, "returnDate": "2018-8-21" }
Sample Result:
{"status": "success"}
Deploy Resource
POST to /deployResource
Sample JSON body:{ "resourceID": 3, "abbreviation": "ED", "number": 3 }
Sample Result:
{"status": "success"}
Get Resources In Use
Sample result:[{"IncDes": "test2", "OwnerName": "Government", "ResourceId": 3, "ReturnDate": "Tue, 21 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "RscName": "resource1", "RscUsername": "gov", "StartDate": "Sat, 21 Jul 2018 00:00:00 GMT"}]
Get Resources Requested by Me
Sample result:[{"IncDes": "test2", "OwnerName": "Government", "ResourceID": 4, "ReturnDate": "Tue, 21 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "RscName": "resource2", "RscUsername": "gov"}]
Get Resource Requests Received by Me
Sample result:[{"IncDes": "test2", "IncidentAbbrv": "ED", "IncidentNumber": 3, "IncidentOwnerName": "Government", "ResourceId": 4, "ReturnDate": "Tue, 21 Aug 2018 00:00:00 GMT", "RscName": "resource2", "RscUsername": "gov"}]
Delete Request/Reject Request/Cancel Request
POST to /deleteRequest
Sample JSON body:{ "resourceID": 3, "abbreviation": "ED", "number": 3 }
Sample result:
{"status": "success"}
Return Resource
POST to /returnResource
Sample JSON body:{ "resourceID": 3, "abbreviation": "ED", "number": 3 }
Sample result:
{"status": "success"}